2021-02-10 TAC/UAC Leadership Meeting

2021-02-10 TAC/UAC Leadership Meeting


Feb 10, 2021

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Meeting ID: 910 0926 0265

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Planning group

  • @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @Trevor Thornton

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Kat Stefko

  • @Christine Di Bella


  • @Alicia Detelich

  • @Althea Topek

  • @Ashley Knox

  • @Bailey Hoffner

  • @Blake Carver

  • @Cory Nimer

  • @Dallas Pillen

  • @Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Roke

  • @James Griffin (Unlicensed) (tentative)

  • @Jared Campbell

  • @Johanna Carll

  • @Joshua Shaw

  • @kate (Unlicensed)

  • @Krista Oldham (Unlicensed)

  • @Lori Dedeyan

  • @Maggie Hughes

  • @Regina Carra

  • @Sarit Hand (tentative)

  • @saron tran (tentative)


  • Identify ways groups can work as effectively as possible

  • Identify resources that would help people in or considering Council leadership positions

  • Identify areas of additional collaboration and cooperation between groups or across the Councils overall

  • Begin developing some action plans for moving ideas to reality or for consideration by the Governance Board as needed

Discussion topics









10 min

Welcome, goals, and explanation of agenda


45 min (15 minutes for each theme)


Working in small groups facilitated by a Council leader, use the discussion questions to brainstorm ideas for improvements and new initiatives around each of the themes. Groups will rotate through the three themes. Ideas will be shared in cumulative Google docs available to all participants.

Leading Teams: For those of you in a leadership position, what motivated you to step forward to lead your team/council?  What have been the biggest rewards? What challenges have you encountered?  How might you respond if a trusted colleague asked for your honest assessment of the experience?   

For those of you considering stepping in to a leadership position or about to rotate into one, what are your professional and personal goals in relationship to this role? 

For all, what might success look like for you in terms of leading as part of the AS community?  How could the ArchivesSpace team and governing board help you achieve this success, and to generally support the development of leaders within the archival field?

(facilitator: Trevor)

notetaking and idea list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CXlWM-fc1PDhqzJRa4Nm22kUox9bVmumyoLYpunxAqA/edit?usp=sharing

Building Teams:  Why did you decide to get involved in the UAC/TAC, and what have been the major rewards from the experience?  In what ways can we better communicate the opportunities to the AS community to encourage more participation?

What makes a successful TAC/UAC team?  If you’ve been on more than one team, compare and contrast those experiences. What worked particularly well? What didn’t?  Within the teams environment, how can we cross pollenate without duplicating work?

How can we ensure that each team has the right number and mix of skills, expertise, technical knowledge, etc.?

(facilitator: Dan)

notetaking and idea list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RtErMgxSiEyWvYOtgLBKLmuEb9gXOgGglZkiLoHfY6M/edit?usp=sharing

Supporting and Sustaining Teams:  What additional support could the ArchivesSpace Team or Council chairs offer when your term begins? What do you wish you knew in your first months on the Councils?

Are there administrative aspects of your work that the ArchivesSpace team could assist with that would make it easier to focus on your team’s core work? If you could delegate one aspect of what you or your team do, what would it be?

With revolving terms and membership on each team, how can we preserve forward momentum through membership cycles?

(facilitator: Randy)

notetaking and idea list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UPVWTSTwUAqy5I2W0Ge9zmFdLy8YQIE8JOyfRqwBx5c/edit?usp=sharing

20 min

Reporting and full group discussion


The facilitators for each of the three themes will report on and lead further discussion on that topic.

10 min

Serendipity - is there anything else that has surfaced today that you’d like to discuss together?



5 min

Next steps



Action items


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