2021-03-16 Tech Docs Meeting notes
Mar 16, 2021
@Trevor Thornton
@Alicia Detelich
@Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)
@Rachel Searcy
@Blake Carver
@Mark Cooper (Unlicensed)
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Notes |
10 mins | updates |
10 mins | reviewing issues from Github | https://github.com/archivesspace/tech-docs/issues/99 This one is related to the static site generator project https://github.com/archivesspace/tech-docs/issues/71 https://github.com/archivesspace/tech-docs/issues/70 These are suggestions for new documentation from Alicia. We should consider adding stub pages for these. Unclear documentation on REST API · Issue #66 · archivesspace/tech-docs Documenting API endpoints that don’t require authentication. Might be an issue for API docs working group. Trevor will bring this up with API docs working group |
20 mins | Tech Docs discussion at ArchivesSpace Online Forum, | Trevor will send a message to list asking for questions, etc. He will also make a list of documentation sources |
10 mins | Any other business |