2021-10-05 Meeting notes

2021-10-05 Meeting notes


Oct 5, 2021 3:30 GMT / 11:30 ET / 10:30 CT / 9:30 MT / 8:30 PT



  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @Matthew Neely

  • @Althea Topekon leave

  • @saron tran

  • @Angela White

  • @Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)

  • @Lora Woodford

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @Tom Steele


  • Prioritize new and awaiting more info tickets


Kanban boards:

Link to ArchivesSpace sandbox: http://test.archivesspace.org/

Discussion topics









@Daniel Michelson

ANW-1168: Can't Delete A Repo With An Apostrophe In The NameClosed-Complete

ANW-1244: The Calculate Extents function does not work in resource records with a deaccession subrecord that also uses an extentClosed-Complete

ANW-690: show if top level resource has digital objects in any child in PUIClosed-Duplicate

  1. It’s specifically the “Repository Short Name” that has this issue, since the confirmation for deleting requires typing the short name and for whatever reason it isn’t recognizing an apostrophe as a match. Pass to development.

  2. Clearly not the intended result, pass to development.

  3. Close as duplicate of ANW-1206 (currently pending Usability review)

  1. Pass, trivial

  2. Pass, minor

  3. Closed as duplicate

@Tom Steele

ANW-1242: <p> tag not respected in notes above accordian in PUIClosed-Complete

ANW-1345: Location Record Barcodes are not UniqueReady for Implementation

ANW-1258: Spreadsheet importer barcode errorClosed-Complete

  1. Was able to replicate the problem on test server. Aesthetic problem only, but would aid user readability. Low Priority. Pass.

  2. ID numbers like barcodes should be unique. This needs to be implemented. Replicated on test server. Pass.

  3. Is this one resolved? Ready for Implementation seems to imply it is. If it isn’t ,Recommend check by barcode when linking since it’s a unique identifier.

  1. Pass, minor

  2. Recommend a plugin for this issue, since the field is working as designed , community input

  3. Already prioritized

@Matthew Neely

ANW-1268: "Container Type" field is not required in the SUI, and exports blank "type" attributesClosed-Complete

ANW-1276: Unpublished agents linked to archival objects as subjects are not included in EAD exports when the "include unpublished" option is checkedClosed-Complete

ANW-703: Add additional feedback (e.g. a spinning wheel) for search progress feedback and results (both on the main search page and in the filter search box)Closed-Will Not Do

  1. This ticket is requesting that ‘Container Type’ in the Top Container record is made a required field. If not is not completed then the EAD export has a blank attribute for type in the container field. Replicated in the sandbox: <container id="aspace_02b5bd760a514658d9b84535f5f9bfb7" label="Text" type="">1-7, 10</container>. Recommend either make it a required field or setting export to not included a blank attribute.

2. This ticket relates to unpublished agents not exporting in the EAD when ‘include unpublished’ option is selection. Recommend passing the proposed solution for persname/famname/corpname in the controlaccess section for archival objects should get an audience="internal" attribute when they are unpublished, the way they do for resources.

3. This ticket is seeking a progress bar or spinning wheel to indicate the progress of a search in the PUI. The ticket was created in 2018 but my experience based on my institutional instance (8627 collection resource records with file levels) is that the search is very fast and this would not be required. Might be necessary if local infrastucture or accessing via slower Internet speeds?

  1. Pass for setting export to not include a blank attribute

  2. Pass.

  3. Close.

@Angela White

ANW-1243: Abstract Note Custom Label does not display in staff PDFClosed-Complete

ANW-1299: Digital Objects on Resources do not export in PDFsClosed-Complete

ANW-1344: Creating a standard note order is not always workingClosed-Will Not Do

  1. Custom note labels don’t display in staff version of the PDF export, particularly Abstract. I have verified this and recommend pass, trivial prioritization.

  2. Digital Objects attached at the Resource level do not export in either staff or PUI PDFs. Pass, trivial prioritization.

  3. Changing the standard note order in Global Preferences doesn’t “stick.” I have verified this bug and recommend a pass, with a minor prioritization.

  1. Pass, trivial

  2. Pass, trivial

  3. Pass, minor

@Althea Topek





@Randy Kuehn

ANW-1285: PUI Collection Organization text overflows sidebar on mobile devices/small screensReady for Implementation

ANW-1288: Implicit-AND (mm set to 100%) causes inconsistent results with old versions Solr, including the version used internally in ArchivesSpaceClosed-Will Not Do

ANW-1290: Trim Whitespace Job Doesn't Quite Trim All WhitespacesClosed-Complete

  1. Recommend asking Usability for input

  2. Although I wasn’t able to replicate the problem in v3.0.2, I believe a Solr is scheduled to be upgraded in an upcoming 2021 release. Solr 5.5 will correct the problem. Will the upgraded version of Solr be 5.5 or greater?

  3. Recommend including display_string in trim whitespace background job
    Confirmed white space remains in display_string unless object is resaved after running background job (v3.0.2)

  1. Awaiting more information, tag usability

  2. Close

  3. Pass.

@saron tran




  1. pass - for my own reference: https://gitlab.ku.edu/library/archivesspace/-/issues/109 – occurred for us with lora’s batch language update plugin and a really old barcoder plugin – i think we ended up deleting it out of the database as i have since removed those plugins from the config and system.
    JSONModel not found for barcoder_job uri:classloader:/jsonmodel.rb:64:in `JSONModel'
    also, agree with valerie in that we noticed slowness because of it

  2. pass - reproduced and agree that logging should be improved

  3. pass – agree that digital_object_components would be easier to work with if there were ancestors to work off of

  1. Pass

  2. Pass

  3. Pass, major. Refer to @Angela White 's ticket

Action items


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