Email templates

Email templates

The following email samples have been provided to assist Chairs in communicating with members throughout term. Even if you use your own phrasing, note the content and prompts included in each message.

Subject : Welcoming [new member name] to the [Subteam name]


Dear [new member name],

Greetings! I am writing today in my role as Chair of the ArchivesSpace Technical Advisory Council (TAC) for the 2022-2023 term to thank you for volunteering for the Councils and to congratulate you on your assignment to the [Subteam name]. Subteam assignments are based on the balance of subteam needs (number of members, skills and experience required) versus the interests of the new appointees for each term. I have done my best to balance these needs this term, but please let me know if you have any questions about your assignment.

Copied on this email is [Subteam Lead for new term] who is the Lead for Subteam Name for the upcoming term, as well as [Subteam Vice Lead], Vice Lead. [Subteam Lead], this email serves as notice of your new member for next term.

The period of late June through July is usually a low period for council work so the subteams are not currently meeting and will not meet until late July/August. Your subteam lead will reach out to you on scheduling that first meeting when the time comes.

Next Steps

  1. There will be a Councils Orientation session for new members. [prompt for Doodle poll] You will thereafter be informed of the day selected for the orientation session.

  2. Please review the following:

  3. Consider serving on Testing! This is a purely optional suggestion but for any members interested in more than one type of Council work there is a general need for individuals to test new features or bug fixes on a rolling basis as improvements are made to code. This is not meant to obligate you, only an invitation to consider serving on this subteam as a way of varying your experience. Should you be interested, please let me know.

I am so glad you are joining us and welcome to TAC!

Subject : Welcome to the ArchivesSpace User/Technical Advisory Council


Hi All,

Welcome to the ArchivesSpace User/Technical Advisory Council (UAC/TAC)!

This is just a quick e-mail to let you all know what to expect when your terms start in July.

We will hold a joint orientation in early July for new UAC/TAC and UAC/TAC (User/Technical Advisory Council) members.  Look for a Doodle poll from myself or other chair next week.

Based on the information provided during the nomination process and the vacancies left by the outgoing UAC/TAC members, I've assigned each of you to subteams as follows:

  • Member: Subteam

We acknowledge that not all members may have received their desired assignment, but we have done our best to meet the balance of subteam needs and incoming member elections. If interested, you can volunteer for a second subteam, which we'll go over in more detail at the orientation.

Thank you for your willingness to contribute to the ArchivesSpace community, I hope you find your service on the council to be as rewarding as I have.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

I look forward to seeing you all the orientation.

All the best,


Greetings ASpace TAC members!

As one part of getting set up for term I am writing because I would like to grant you access to the Council Google Drive and its folders and I will need some information from you.

The Councils primarily use the Confluence Wiki space to store information, but there is sometimes need for another space and for that we use Google Drive. Here is a link to a section of the Council Handbook that explains the difference.

You have two options for providing a Google account for Drive access:

  1. Some council members provide their personal Gmail addresses for this purpose. If you are comfortable with that, please provide your preferred Gmail address.

  2. If you are not comfortable with that you may use a Google account tied to your work email instead. If you have never set this up before, you can follow this link to create a new Google account and look for the option that says “use my current email address instead.” This will allow you to create a Google account using whatever email address you provide. This address can be used for Drive access, but not for Gmail. Once you create that account, please let me know what email address you used and I will link that address.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Subject : Attention Subteam Leads: Report to Governance Board


Hi All,

Other chair and I are putting together the [quarterly report with link] to the ArchivesSpace Governance Board covering date span and ask that subteam leads briefly report on:

  • Roster Changes

  • Major Activities

    • Include this line for the first (May-July) report of the term: Please include activities for May-June if you are able, but if necessary, other chair and I can use the retrospectives to fill in the gaps

  • Future Priorities

[Here's a link to the previous report] as an example and to remind you of recent contributions.

Please add your reports to the document by the end of the day on due date.

Feel free to reach out to other chair and I if you have any questions.

All the best,



The following email templates are maintained in the Nominating Committee's wiki space:

For new council members:

Acceptance confirmation template

Regrets template

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