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Supported Program Team and Lead Developer on creation of new Jira guidance for the ArchivesSpace Community for the creation of new feature requests and bug reports.
Made progress with tickets which had been stuck in ‘Awaiting More Information’ for long periods.
It would be helpful to recruit members who use the PUI and/or have developer/technical experience.
Migrated current content regarding integrations with ArchivesSpace from the Integrations Sub-Team Confluence space to the Awesome ArchivesSpace GitHub site.
Appraised and disposed of all content in the Integrations Google Drive.
Maintained summary documentation of the Integration sunsetting process.
Metadata Standards:
Continued work with ensuring ArchivesSpace is up to date with the standards it supports (EAD + MARC, mainly)
Cleaned up documentation pages on GitHub and elsewhere
Prepared and distributed a metadata standards community survey to be analyzed early in 2024/25 term
EAD: consider next year a task force? a TAC meeting?
Re: EAD4 - the technical subcommittee expects to have a draft release of the standard out before the SAA annual meeting
TS-EAS is also releasing a proposal for a new encoded archival functions schema.
Established various workflows and audits to better manage/maintain technical documentation repositories.
Identified areas such as AwesomeArchivesSpace and will provide regular maintenance of that space. Established that TechDocs can provide editorial services to other groups when necessary.
Introductory sessions and ad hoc group work sessions continue to be useful testing support tools
Behavior scenarios and end to end testing suite may dramatically change the way testing operates
5 minutes
TAC Business
@Rachel Searcy
Nominating Committee update: 9 new people will be joining next year
Thank you to our members cycling off: Elizabeth Dunham, Elizabeth Russey Roke, Jenna Silver, Tom Steele
Regine Heberlein has agreed to serve as Vice Chair next year!
Rachel’s retrospective
Ways to use our time during monthly meetings
DevPri figuring out different workflows
Sunsetting the integrations team with utmost care
The tech docs team was able to restructure their work during this year which was helpful to grounding the committee’s work in new times to make it relevant
Christine- thinking about pull requests how to combine code from outside sources? Thinking about the community involvement? Most code in the application is created by the ASpace technical team itself (95%)
5 minutes
Term Transitions
@Rachel Searcy
@Austin Munsell
What happens next?
Take a break!
Sub-team leads/vice leads will contribute to one last quarterly report for the term
Austin has been in touch to let incoming sub-team leads know about new member assignments
Next term:
It’s never too early to start thinking about next term.