TAC / UAC Appointment Acceptance Confirmation - Email Template

TAC / UAC Appointment Acceptance Confirmation - Email Template

Subject: Confirming Acceptance of Appointment to the ArchivesSpace (Technical / User) Advisory Council

Dear (Name),

I am happy to inform you that the ArchivesSpace Governance Board has endorsed your nomination and appointed you to the ArchivesSpace (Technical / User) Advisory Council for a three-year term, beginning on July 1, 20?? and extending through June 30, 20??.

Please confirm your acceptance of this appointment by replying to me as soon as possible. Upon your acceptance, you will receive a formal letter of appointment from (name), Chair of the ArchivesSpace Governance Board. You will also be added to the roster and mailing list for the (Technical / User) Advisory Council and (name), the incoming Chair chair of (TAC / UAC), will reach out to you about getting started. Your appointment will be included in announcements concerning appointments and elections later in June.

Congratulations, and welcome!


Chair, ArchivesSpace Nominating Committee

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