2022-2023 Metadata Standards Retrospective
2022-2023 Workplan
Significant progress on MARC 21 error reporting: ANW-1558: Importer reportingReady for Implementation
Significant progress on EAD 2002 import mapping: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uBWibkBRy3o39sZf8cQfNDiCZ7v36Hds/edit?pli=1#gid=2022215819
refined data matrix by more rigorously conceptualizing our data capture (aka adding and removing columns)
added DACS mapping--these are the high-priority fields
added ISAD(G) mapping
created an EAD 2002 test file that has ALL nodes allowed by EAD 2002 (except eadgrp, dscgrp, archdescgrp, numbered components, revisiondesc/list, and @entityref; this is because they conflict with the current choices made in the file): https://github.com/ASpace-Metadata-Standards/ead-examples/blob/master/TACmetadata_test_import.xml
added Harvard test sink files to github repo: https://github.com/ASpace-Metadata-Standards/ead-examples/tree/master/test_files
created a github page with import errors/requirements: https://github.com/ASpace-Metadata-Standards/ead-examples/blob/master/README.md
created tools repo with the automated tools used in creating testing artifacts: https://github.com/ASpace-Metadata-Standards/tools
Presented at the 2023 Virtual Member Forum and solicited community feedback on Subjects: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g75AlffMfqik3VarArfqfReNgtXq8N1XVSifdVRw0dY/edit
First year of Metadata sitting in at Dev-Pri meetings--lots of Metadata members had interest, but time was an issue
In Fall 2022, we reached out to the community to gauge interest in the EAC-CPF importer/exporter, by sending emails to the AS member list and external Google list. We received only one response, indicating little interest in or use of EAC-CPF.
Priorities for next term
Revisit MARC work, including
Pivot to EAD 2002 exporter – this will depend a lot on how the MARC work is prioritized
The Data Modeling Task Force seems to have gotten stuck, possibly because Metadata demurred on taking the lead. Perhaps bring it up again with TAC, or perhaps this term Metadata has the bandwidth to undertake it? See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4E1BYAGT-GCAWLZaWwtsPgeGJqnt6y04e6r82EYxCY/edit?usp=sharing and Gliffy Public Diagram - ASpace ERD
RiC review: This has been a moving target. Full release of CM and harmonized Ontology is expected for Fall 2023, it might be worth keeping an eye on it? RiC uptake is much stronger in Europe than it is in the North American community, so there’s also a question of prioritization.
GitHub protocols: we briefly touched on this, but it didn’t come together. It would be good to establish a review and approval protocol for pushes to the repo such that the person that makes the change is not also the person that pushes the change. It’s just good practice to have multiple sets of eyes on changes!
Recommendations for finishing up this term
Finish testing TACmetadata_test_import.xml (currently in the Sandbox in the RIC repo) and documenting import issues
Leadership for next term
Lead: Kevin Clair
Vice Lead: To be identified from new members next term
Outgoing Lead: Regine Heberlein