2022-09-16 UAC Leads Meeting Agenda and Notes

2022-09-16 UAC Leads Meeting Agenda and Notes

Sep 16, 2022 11am ET/ 10am CT/ 9am MT/ 8am PT

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Rebecca Baugnon, User Documentation Vice Lead

Regina Carra, UAC Chair

Bailey Hoffner, Member Engagement Lead

Dan Michaelson, Development Prioritization Lead

Suzanne Reller, UAC Vice Chair


  • Conclude meeting with answers to the following:

    • Should we continue this group?

    • If so, what is the purpose of this group?

    • If so, how often should we meet? (standing meeting; specific months in the term)





How’s it going? (generally)


Open Mic/Sub-team Updates




  • Idea for subteam leads meeting came from TAC based on feedback received last year

  • TAC leads meet every other month

Resolved Goals

  • Should we continue this group? What is its purpose? YES. Small group helpful to establish who is who and discuss, in a more targeted way, how things work on Council and in sub-teams in a term

  • How often should we meet?

    • No need to have a standing meeting, not enough bandwidth available in schedules

    • Plan: have meeting twice per term, once at the beginning and again in March/April

      • Invite anyone interested in UAC leadership to join during Spring meeting

Items for Regina to bring up at Coord. Committee Meeting

More “official”/consolidated ways sub-teams can learn/anticipate the timelines of releases, particularly at beginning of term

Currently: teams hear word of mouth through Program team attendance at meetings

Road map is vague – want something a little more detailed

Discussion of Dev Pri Kan Ban board display--perhaps this can be translated into a rough timeline on Confluence?


Question: Which members of the Program Team are assigned to attend sub-team meetings? Who goes where?


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