2022-09-19 TAC/UAC Joint Meeting


Sep 19, 2022 12pm ET / 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am PT

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  • @Valerie Addonizio (TAC Chair) - Present

  • @Rachel Searcy (TAC Vice-Chair) - Present

  • @Elizabeth Dunham - Present

  • @Sarit Hand - Present

  • @Randy Kuehn - Absent

  • @Austin Munsell - Present

  • @Elizabeth Roke - Absent

  • @Kevin Schlottmann - Present

  • @Jenna Silver - Absent

  • @Tom Steele - Present

  • @Regine Heberlein - Present

  • @Kevin Clair - Present

  • @Kate Bowers - Regrets

  • @Paige Monlux - Present

  • @Elizabeth M. Caringola - Present

  • @Cheylon Woods - Present

  • @Matt Strauss - Present


  • @Regina Carra (UAC Chair) - Present

  • @Suzanne Reller (UAC Vice-Chair) - Present

  • @Johanna Carll - Present

  • @Kellen Carpenter (Unlicensed) - Present

  • @Bailey Hoffner - Present

  • @Margaret Kidd - Regrets

  • @Daniel Michelson - Regrets

  • @Patrick Milhoan - Present

  • @Matthew Neely - Present

  • @Cory Nimer - Absent

  • @Sarah Ponichtera - Absent

  • @Althea Topek - Absent

  • @Erin Ryan - Present

  • @Keli Schmid - Present

  • @Eden Orelove - Present

  • @Mary Pedraza - Present

  • @Rebecca Baugnon - Present

  • @Chris Tanguay - Present

ASpace Program/Board

  • @Gordon Daines - Present

  • @Christine Di Bella - Present

  • @Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed) - Present

  • @Jessica Crouch - Absent


  • Review Work Plans

Discussion topics









10 min

Roll Call - Introductions

@Regina Carra

Name, where you work, favorite seat on airplane

5 min

Program Update

@Christine Di Bella

  • Recent release

  • Staff changes

  • New roadmap coming soon

  • Next community-wide training in November on imports/exports and reports

10 min

TAC sub-team work plans
3 minutes each

Integrations: @Sarit Hand @Elizabeth Dunham


Metadata Standards: @Regine Heberlein @Kevin Schlottmann


Tech Docs: @Rachel Searcy

  • Link to workplan: 2022-2023 TechDocs Work Plan

  • One routine goal: Maintenance of tech-docs Github repository

  • One new goal for this term (if applicable): Collaboration across Advisory Councils

10 min

UAC sub-team work plans

3 minutes each

Member Engagement: @Bailey Hoffner @Patrick Milhoan

  • Link to workplan: Member Engagement Work Plan 2022-2023

  • One routine goal: Member Match Program

  • One new goal for this term (if applicable): Integrating other sub-teams into Quarterly Member Match Events


Usability: @Althea Topek @Cory Nimer


User Docs: @Margaret Kidd @Rebecca Baugnon

  • Link to workplan: User Documentation Work Plan/Goals

  • One routine goal: Continue systematic review of Help Center pages

  • One new goal for this term (if applicable): Review and prioritize Future User Docs Projects; pick project to work on this term

5 min

Cross Council sub-team work plans

Dev Pri: @Daniel Michelson @Matthew Neely

  • Link to workplan: 2022-2023 Dev Pri Work Plan

  • One routine goal: The primary work of Dev/Pri will continue to be reviewing and prioritizing tickets for development.

  • One new goal for this term (if applicable): Share agendas with TAC and UAC and extend an open invitation to council members to join if there are any tickets they are interested in commenting on.


Testing: @Cory Nimer @Austin Munsell

5 min

Open Mic


  • Please fill out the 2022 Integrations Survey and Sarit requests that people comment on the survey to keep the thread current in the various places it was posted

  • Member Engagement put out a general call for collaboration this term

  • Clarity sought on the discrepancies between how a ticket issue is described by its author versus subsequent discussions and comments and how Testing should determine what exactly they are testing. The final call on behavior rests with Christine.

  • A discussion exposed an interest in passing information between Subteams; for example, members of Testing are in a unique position to give feedback to User Docs on documenting new or changing features; DevPri is in a position to funnle information on tickets to certain teams and already tags the Metadata Subteam on tickets but there are clear opportunities to tag others, such as User Docs when something is more of a documentation need than a bug/feature request. Chairs and co-chairs will discuss, and we welcome additional feedback through term.

5 min


@Regina Carra

October 3– Council (Vice) Chairs will meet to look over work plans and assist cross-team collaboration

October 11 – TAC Meeting

October 18 – UAC Meeting, with discussion led by Member Engagement Sub-team

UAC will be skipping the December meeting; TAC will be skipping the January meeting

Councils will meet jointly again in February 2023