2022-09-19 TAC/UAC Joint Meeting
Sep 19, 2022 12pm ET / 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am PT
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@Valerie Addonizio (TAC Chair) - Present
@Rachel Searcy (TAC Vice-Chair) - Present
@Elizabeth Dunham - Present
@Sarit Hand - Present
@Randy Kuehn - Absent
@Austin Munsell - Present
@Elizabeth Roke - Absent
@Kevin Schlottmann - Present
@Jenna Silver - Absent
@Tom Steele - Present
@Regine Heberlein - Present
@Kevin Clair - Present
@Kate Bowers - Regrets
@Paige Monlux (Unlicensed) - Present
@Elizabeth M. Caringola - Present
@Cheylon Woods - Present
@Matt Strauss - Present
@Regina Carra (UAC Chair) - Present
@Suzanne Reller (UAC Vice-Chair) - Present
@Johanna Carll - Present
@Kellen Carpenter (Unlicensed) - Present
@Bailey Hoffner - Present
@Margaret Kidd - Regrets
@Daniel Michelson - Regrets
@Patrick Milhoan - Present
@Matthew Neely - Present
@Cory Nimer - Absent
@Sarah Ponichtera - Absent
@Althea Topek - Absent
@Erin Ryan - Present
@Keli Schmid - Present
@Eden Orelove - Present
@Mary Pedraza - Present
@Rebecca Baugnon - Present
@Chris Tanguay - Present
ASpace Program/Board
@Gordon Daines - Present
@Christine Di Bella - Present
@Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed) - Present
@Jessica Crouch - Absent
Review Work Plans
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
10 min | Roll Call - Introductions | @Regina Carra | Name, where you work, favorite seat on airplane |
5 min | Program Update | @Christine Di Bella |
10 min | TAC sub-team work plans | Integrations: @Sarit Hand @Elizabeth Dunham |
| Metadata Standards: @Regine Heberlein @Kevin Schlottmann |
| |
| Tech Docs: @Rachel Searcy |
| |
10 min | UAC sub-team work plans 3 minutes each | Member Engagement: @Bailey Hoffner @Patrick Milhoan |
| Usability: @Althea Topek @Cory Nimer |
| |
| User Docs: @Margaret Kidd @Rebecca Baugnon |
| |
5 min | Cross Council sub-team work plans | Dev Pri: @Daniel Michelson @Matthew Neely |
| Testing: @Cory Nimer @Austin Munsell |
| |
5 min | Open Mic |
5 min | Upcoming | @Regina Carra | October 3– Council (Vice) Chairs will meet to look over work plans and assist cross-team collaboration October 11 – TAC Meeting October 18 – UAC Meeting, with discussion led by Member Engagement Sub-team UAC will be skipping the December meeting; TAC will be skipping the January meeting Councils will meet jointly again in February 2023 |