2023-03-14 TAC meeting notes


Mar 14, 2023

Zoom Info

In meeting invite


  • @Valerie Addonizio , TAC Chair

  • @Rachel Searcy , TAC Vice Chair (regrets)

  • @Regina Carra, UAC Chair, ex-officio

  • @Christine Di Bella, ASpace Program Manager

  • @Sarit Hand

  • @Regine Heberlein - Regrets

  • @Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Austin Munsell

  • @Elizabeth Roke - Absent

  • @Kevin Schlottmann

  • @Elizabeth Dunham

  • @Jenna Silver - Absent

  • @Tom Steele - Absent

  • @Matt Strauss - Absent

  • @Elizabeth M. Caringola

  • @Paige Monlux

  • @Kate Bowers

  • @Kevin Clair

  • @Cheylon Woods - Absent




 Discussion topics

Notetaker: @Valerie Addonizio

Attendance: @Rachel Searcy









2 min


@Valerie Addonizio


5 min

Program Update

@Christine Di Bella


15 min

Sub-team Updates

Development Prioritization:
@Randy Kuehn

@Sarit Hand

Metadata Standards:
@Kevin Schlottmann

Technical Documentation:
@Austin Munsell

@Austin Munsell

  • DevPri:

    • Reviewed 15 tickets (8 approved for implementation, 5 closed, 2 awaiting more information)

    • Led discussion at TAC/UAC meeting

    • Dan presented at Member Match event

  • Integrations:

    • completed report on findings from survey and future of sub-team

  • Metadata Standards:

    • completed EAD import DACS mapping

    • completed EAD import XPath mapping

    • completed EAD every-node-pair test file

    • currently testing

    • completed draft spec for ANW-1558

    • re-organized ead-examples repo, added test files, and started fleshing out readme

  • Technical Documentation:

  • Testing:

    • Regression testing for 3.4.0 complete

    • Testing team held two drop in sessions for support/questions re: regression testing

    • In addition to regular JIRAs, there will be a more intense round of testing around involving a larger group of testers once that ticket is ready

  • Notes: What fabulous work! Round of applause!

20 min

Subteam-Led Discussion

This month: Integrations!

  • Integrations Report

  • Notes: Integrations will spend the 2023-2024 terms on this final transition

  • Valerie will bring the Awesome ArchivesSpace list idea to Coordinating Committee for discussion

  • Paige pointed out that her term will allow her to be a bridge from the last term with Integrations into the first term without. If we move forward with the Awesome List, recommend she be included.

5 min

Open Mic



1 min

Closing Notes

@Valerie Addonizio

April - Tech Docs


 Action items
