2022-11-08 TAC meeting notes

2022-11-08 TAC meeting notes


Nov 8, 2022

Zoom Info

In meeting invite


  • @Valerie Addonizio , TAC Chair

  • @Rachel Searcy , TAC Vice Chair

  • @Regina Carra, UAC Chair, ex-officio

  • @Christine Di Bella, ASpace Program Manager - Regrets

  • @Sarit Hand - Regrets

  • @Regine Heberlein

  • @Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Austin Munsell - Regrets

  • @Elizabeth Roke

  • @Kevin Schlottmann - Regrets

  • @Elizabeth Dunham

  • @Jenna Silver - Regrets

  • @Tom Steele - Regrets

  • @Matt Strauss

  • @Elizabeth M. Caringola

  • @Paige Monlux (Unlicensed)

  • @Kate Bowers

  • @Kevin Clair

  • @Cheylon Woods - Regrets

  • @Cory Nimer Joining us from UAC

Helpful Links


Yearly Timeline of Council Activities


 Discussion topics

Notetaker: @Valerie Addonizio

Attendance: @Rachel Searcy









2 min


@Valerie Addonizio


5 min

Program Update

@Christine Di Bella

  • Discussion on future development of the digital objects module scheduled for December 14 - registration at https://lyrasis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpce-trjkoGdSGvc2uCimrn5zVU0UM-027. We’ll be distributing a pre-discussion survey closer to the event. There is also some current development going on around some low hanging fruit digital objects issues like making it clearer in the public interface when there is digital content for a given resource.

10 min

Advanced training for TAC Update

@Valerie Addonizio

Thank you for your feedback.

Results from the poll

Here are the top three votes:

  1. Spinning up your own test servers (Docker) - Valerie will pursue something for Docker training. Much like the API, this is a technical topic that requires a development environment and that makes it difficult to teach.

  2. API/Python/ASnake

  3. GitHub and being a maintainer - Hope to have something specific to TAC by end of term


Though these topics weren’t in the top three, they are relatively easy to put together:

  • The database and SQL - Valerie will do something for the Online Forum in the spring

  • JSON - JSON is a very common data interchange format. There is a lot on YouTube. I am not dismissing this! But honestly, the YouTube content is very good and it does not need to be specific to ArchivesSpace. JSON is touched upon in the API presentation listed above.

  • Data Modeling - Join the Data Modeling Taskforce! Will revisit this topic later in term.

More pre-existing info:

Any volunteers for the topics above? No response.

Any interest in a Tech Hour gathering? No response.


  • For prioritization, we need to make a distinction between [advanced topics that individuals want to learn about or need for their use of ArchivesSpace at their institution] versus [advanced topics required for serving on TAC]

  • For example, without a user story about using the API for TAC work, the API as a topic isn’t a priority, whereas spinning up test servers, GitHub maintenance, and data modeling (for TAC-MD) are.

  • Plugins, API, the database, and JSON relationships to TAC are ambiguous.

  • Ruby as a topic is important to TAC-MD work, but unrealistic to be something we can teach.

15 min

Sub-team Updates

Development Prioritization:
@Randy Kuehn

@Sarit Hand

Metadata Standards:
@Regine Heberlein

Technical Documentation:
@Rachel Searcy

@Austin Munsell

  • DevPri: Reviewed 16 tickets (12 passed, 2 closed, 1 awaiting more information, 1 referred to Metadata Standards)

  • Integrations:

    • Austin departing Integrations

    • Paige is reviewing formatting and style on pages

    • Met with users who indicated they had concerns about survey. We will keep their comments in mind when evaluating the survey after it closes.

    • 38 responses to survey to-date

    • Survey closes at the end of November

  • Metadata Standards:

    • (re-)reviewed 5 tickets, including 3 old ones

    • forging ahead with EAD 2002 importer mapping

    • will draft a statement of purpose for the prospective Data Modeling Task Force

  • Technical Documentation:

    • Clarified Github repository permissions issue

    • Resolved all open pull requests

    • Enhanced sub-team landing page documentation with focus on internal administrative processes

    • Coming up:

      • Conversation with User Docs (UAC)

      • Reviewing and responding to listserv questions relevant to group

  • Testing:

    • October testing of 14 tickets, comments added in Jira

3 min

Info Pathways Update

@Valerie Addonizio

This flowchart has been versioned to represent the state of council info pathways as of right now. For those subteams working on drawing new lines, please keep me informed as the year goes on.

Council Information Pathways

20 min

Subteam-Led Discussion

This month: Testing!

Austin could not make it to this meeting. Thanks to @Cory Nimer for presenting!

  • Something relevant to your subteam’s workplan, like workshopping an idea, getting feedback on a decision

  • Suggestions for TAC documentation/training

  • Simply to tell us what your subteam does! Walk us through a recent agenda, talk about a recent decision, pull back the curtain on your subteam!


  • Testing had workflow diagram. Excellent look at Testing role! Thank you, Cory!

  • Substantial opening for a discussion.

  • There are multiple parties on a ticket: the original author, program team, DevPri, possibly other subteams as tagged by DevPri. Sometimes ticket author describes one requested behavior, it gets re-framed in the comments, and then it becomes impossible for Testing to ascertain what exactly they are testing and why and its relationship to the original request.

  • Discussion:

  • Can someone work with the ticket writer to improve the ticket?

  • Other concerns and questions about prioritization. We remember there used to be voting. Why isn’t there anymore? Why does one ticket pass and another does not? Are they pinned to strategic goals/the roadmap? There seems to be a disconnect between prioritization and community needs.

  • Can Testing push tickets back for comments? Should they, since this seems like something that should be settled long before it comes to Testing

  • Testing's relationship to User Docs (more likely) and Tech Docs (less likely). Rachel (Tech Docs) will discuss with Austin (Tech Docs and Testing).

  • Zero conclusions here, but important topic to elevate. Will be continued in the UAC meeting.

5 min

Open Mic



1 min

Closing Notes

@Valerie Addonizio

December - Metadata

Sub-Team leads: Reminder that we have a Leads meeting on November 17th

All: We will have a meeting in December, but we will NOT have a meeting in January.

 Action items
