2023-2024 UAC Retrospective

2023-2024 UAC Retrospective

Executive Summary

For the 2023-2024 term, UAC built upon the previous term to continue to emphasize information exchange and documentation.  To help with information exchange between sub-team, bimonthly sub-team meetings were implemented.  UAC experienced some turnover in membership near the end of the Spring term, but sub-teams were still able to complete tasks.  An infusion of new 9 members should help UAC prepare for the 2024-2025 term. 


  • UAC and TAC continued strong presence at the ArchivesSpace Online Forum and engaged with the community

  • Bi-monthly sub-team leads meetings improved communication across sub-teams and allowed for collaboration

  • Sub-team presentations at monthly meetings continued to be popular and an avenue to share information and gain insight into the work of other sub-teams.

  • Met the goal of having sub-team Vice Leads in place by December 2023 despite a large turnover in sub-team membership last term.


  • UAC continues to experience turnover in the 2nd half of the term.  There were three resignations between March-May.  Since these resignations came near the end of term, sub-teams were able to continue with minimal interruptions, but this also means we have fewer returning members next year.

  • Promoting interaction/discussion during meetings continues to be a challenge.

Lessons Learned:

  • Some turnovers in membership of UAC should be expected as members not only change jobs, but have duties within their jobs change reguarly. 

  • Write an official Council workplan and publish to Council wiki to help track UAC-wide goals for the year.

  • Explore alternative ways to encourage communication among members during meetings or alternative meeting formats.

  • Continue to find ways to encourage UAC members to take on leadership roles and find ways to support the individuals in those roles.

Ideas for next term:

  • Review the Council Handbook and available communication tools with UAC members during a meeting early in the term and send reminders throughout the year, so that all members are familiar with the tools available to them.

  • Leadership should continue to monitor membership cycles and levels.  The UAC chair and Vice Chair should meet and assess membership levels in January/February.

  • Publish UAC workplan and retrospective to help guide UAC throughout the term.

Leadership for 2024-2025

Chair: Rebecca Baugnon

Vice Chair: Mary Pedraza


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