2024-03-13 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee
Mar 13, 2024
Connection Information
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting [Christine needs to redo the appointment for future meetings because this one is showing up as invalid]
Meeting ID: 858 8942 7484
Passcode: 548171
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@Suzanne Reller
@Rachel Searcy
@Maggie Hughes
@Christine Di Bella
Unable to attend
@Austin Munsell
@Rebecca Baugnon
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Facilitator | Notes |
20 min | Checking in | All | There was one UAC resignation due to a change in job duties. While it’s always disappointing to lose a member, this was a substantial improvement over last term. A volunteer has been found for the request to participate in a session organized by the SAA User Experience and Accessibility and Disability sections. The program team was approached separately earlier in the winter and also agreed to participate. The ArchivesSpace developers are coming to the March TAC meeting and everyone is looking forward to the conversation. |
| A Vice Lead for Tech Docs has not yet been found. Rachel and Austin are engaging the group in conversation about possibilities. We discussed that there may be an opportunity to reconsider this work in general. Christine will talk to Thimios and get back in touch with Rachel and Austin. |
10 min | Identifying Vice Chairs for next term | All | We talked about ways that council members can be encouraged to take on this role as well as specific people that could be approached if people don’t volunteer themselves. Rachel and Suzanne will review and update the handbook documentation that a future chair/vice chair may need (and that may be useful for a person considering the Vice Chair role to review), including the yearly activities page. |
5 min | Anything else? |
| Preparation for the session at the Virtual Member Forum is underway. Rachel and Suzanne will pay attention for specifics about their involvement. Nominations process is also getting underway. We discussed whether it would be good this year to take on members beyond the number of openings from people coming off the Councils, similar to what was done last year. Doing so will not require a formal proposal to the board, just a discussion/agreement with the Nominating Committee. It is never too early to encourage people to think about volunteering/volunteering others.
Action items