2014-01-31 Meeting Notes



 * Feedback on the ArchivesSpace API should go directly to the ArchivesSpace Google group. (And Fitz will bring it to the TAC if appropriate.)

 * The subteams for technical documents review and technical help & user group activity will be merged.

 * TAC members that are available will gather at code4lib to discuss, e.g., development community processes and workflows

 * We will hold two more teleconferences before code4lib conference (March 24-27, 2014).

 * Our next teleconference will be on February 21st

 * Our standing teleconference will (provisionally) be held the third Friday of the month at 10:30am PT/1:30pm ET/etc. These will be scheduled for the next six months.





 * One TAC member to volunteer as chair pro tem (term through June 2014 or so)

 * Fitz to send TAC invitations for next 6 or so teleconferences

 * Fitz to send TAC strawperson proposal for subteams

 * TAC to review strawperson proposal and volunteer for subteams

 * TAC to let Fitz know when you'll be at code4lib

 * TAC to list top 3-4 conferences/meetings to find a venue for annual face-to-face TAC meeting


Perhaps the agendas for TAC meetings could be made editable, and that way notes can live side-by-side with the agenda, and then agendas/notes could be collected in one place (a folder in Google Drive) rather than floating around as Word docs in our inboxes?