2018-09-13 Meeting notes (Kickoff!)

2018-09-13 Meeting notes (Kickoff!)




  • Kick-off the new term; welcome and orient new members; prepare for sub-team/working group assignments.

Discussion items

10minRoll call and introductions (Who are you? Why are you here?)
5minIntroduction to TAC Technical Advisory Council

Overview of what we do and how we operate – refer to bylaws info on TAC.

  • Work occurs through cross-councils, sub-teams, encourage and support integrations, providing guidance to users (particularly migrations), technical documentation, collaboration with UAC on testing. 
  • Refer to roster of names and email addresses of TAC members, if needed.
  • Wiki space has our meeting notes and sub-teams have space to track notes and working docs.
5minReview 2017-2018 TAC Retrospective

Did retrospective last year. Can see what we thought we did well, what we could have improved on, what we had momentum with.

  • Found that communicating scope and expectations helped a lot.
  • Large group zoom meetings go well.
5minDiscuss Responsibilities and Expectations

Please review TAC Responsibilities and Expectations.

This is a new document so please let us know if you have any feedback. Anything that should be added, clarified, or changed – we want to hear about it!


Overview of TAC sub-teams

  • Integrations
  • Migration
  • Technical Documentation (TechDocs)

Overview of cross-council sub-teams:

  • Development Prioritization (DevPri)
  • Testing
Max Eckard, with Patrick Galligan, Dustin Stokes and others as necessary

Teams exist over the whole year and have ongoing missions and work.


  • We deal with the data flow between outside systems and ASpace. Example: Archivematica-ASpace integration (Bentley, RAC, etc). 
  • We're interested in integrations both ways (data into or out of ASpace).
  • Primarily finding out about that integrations that exist, learning about new ones, be a resource to those working on integrations, or help them find other resources, working on documentation, how to advocate for integrations.
  • Sometimes have guests in our meetings to talk about the integration work they're doing – lessons learned, etc.
  • Looking for new members! Meetings are about once a month.


  • Deals with initial import of data from other systems (Archon, AT, other legacy systems, EAD, etc) to ASpace.
  • Being a first resource for those migration questions, did some work with EAD3.
  • If you have ideas on work this team could accomplish, or an interest or experience in migrations, consider joining!

Technical Documentation:

  • Last year's leaders have rotated off of TAC. 
  • Focused on ASpace github pages: enhancing provisioning documentation with HTTPS, enhancing plugin documentation, making it easier for community to contribute to tech documentation. Moved all tech documentation to its own repository.
  • Have some ideas on areas to improve in – better able to communicate with ASpace community, gain more community involvement and feedback and contributions, and getting more feedback from other TAC sub-teams.
  • Tech docs are available here: https://github.com/archivesspace/tech-docs

Development Prioritization cross-council

  • Cross-council team that is working with the ASpace leadership, Christine and Laney, and UAC members.
  • Look at issues and feature requests in the ticketing system and confirm that they are still issues, prioritize them, what a good ticket should have, webinar last year: A Bug's Life so that tickets are well-constructed and helpful.
  • Leader is Lydia and she assigns tickets each week, they look at them, test them, add thoughts and comments.
  • Meet every two weeks – they are crushing tickets! Have 4 or 5 UAC members and only 1-2 from TAC. Needs more TAC members!

Testing sub-team:

  • Receives a spreadsheet of each new release and are assigned different developments (features, bug fixes) and test them to confirm that the change is indeed working. Comment on the Jira ticket.
  • Regression testing each month to make sure that changes haven't impacted existing features.
  • Space and opportunity for more TAC members to join!
10minOverview of working groups

Tried this out last year as a way to accomplish time-limited or smaller projects. Can involve people from different teams or participants from outside of TAC.

Awesome ArchivesSpace Ad Hoc Working Group

API Ad Hoc Working Group

  • Met a couple of times, but competing priorities and had some difficulty with the scope of the project.
  • Job was too big, and should probably be parsed out a bit into clearer, more manageable tasks.
  • They have some ideas for how to make it more successful the next time around! Worth talking about again.
5minReview next steps

How do we volunteer for teams and groups?

  • Max will send out a form in the next couple of days to get feedback on what teams you're interested in. Also, please submit ideas for ad hoc working groups!
  • Opportunity to express interest in leadership. Responsible for facilitating conversations, maintaining wiki space, team coming up with work plan

The next time we meet, we'll have come up with plan for teams. Then work moves to sub-teams and sub-team leadership.

5minOpen mic
Suggestion for new working group idea related to changing ASpace documentation. (Great idea and put it in the form we'll send out!)

Next call: 2:00 - 3:00pm EST on Thursday, October 11 (monthly on the second Thursday)

Action items

  • Max Eckard: send out form gauging interest for sub-teams, leadership, and working group ideas.
  • Everyone: fill out TAC survey form