2016-08-31 Meeting notes

2016-08-31 Meeting notes




  • Catch-up meeting to establish next steps in the FAQ document

Discussion items


Input from other sub-teams

Is there anything more effective we can do to get feedback?

  • we are stumped so far
  • target specific people with specific topics

People to target?

  • comb through answers that are in the FAQ and ask for the people who contributed the answer to take a look at the broader category
  • Also / or refine the list down to topics that really need answers or need to be looked at
  • More specific questions might help
  • Survey?

How to display answers?
  • Linking to the listserv answer or use the answer to create text for the FAQ
  • Ask people / groups how they'd like their work / answers to be represented in the FAQ

Answered/not answered
  • divide sections and see:
    • What's answered
    • What's not answered
      • For what's not answered, think of who might be able/willing to contribute an answer (is there a sub-team that could help with the section, especially)
      • Possibility: bundle set of questions and send to another sub-team

to do later (possibly)
  • List areas where there are active sub-teams adding to the documentation & asking how they'd like to have their work represented
  • Compile list of people (and possibly also find people who have contributed answers and ask how they would like their work represented)


Action items