2016-11-03 Meeting notes

2016-11-03 Meeting notes




  • Continuing to discuss the FAQ topics page and potential platforms

Discussion items


Work on the FAQ
  • What belongs in the FAQ and what is too broad or out of scope
  • We'll mark items on the list that we think might be out of scope

How to handle common questions that are answered in the User of Github documentation?
  • User documentation that's only available to members: maybe a very brief summary and a link to the member's only documentation that makes it clear non-members won't be able to access it
  • Github: link to existing answers on Github and provide a brief summary of the answer → introduces the problem of managing links over time and making sure that the answers haven't changed, etc.
    • For now link out to the docs in github and provide brief answer, if there are problems with the docs that could be a time to suggest changes in the docs

What about great answers word for word from the listserv?
  • Link to the email and quote with attribution

Allowing others to contribute to the FAQs / completeness
  • We have a good jumping off point for what has to be an ongoing FAQ project.
  • We will put up what we have and know that it is not "complete" and that others will contribute to the maintenance of the FAQs over time


Action items