2019-12-17 Meeting notes


Dec 17, 2019

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  • @Valerie Addonizio

  • @Jared Campbell

  • @Peter Carini (Unlicensed)

  • @Alicia Detelich

  • @Christine Di Bella ​​(Program Manager)

  • @Edgar Garcia (Unlicensed)

  • @James Griffin (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarit Hand

  • @Maggie Hughes ​​(Chair)

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)

  • @Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) ​​(Technical Lead)

  • @Bria Lynn Parker (Unlicensed) ​​

  • @Kevin Schlottmann

  • @Dallas Pillen

  • @Trevor Thornton ​​(Vice Chair)

  • @Wiedeman, Gregory



Discussion topics









10 min

Roll call

@Maggie Hughes

  • Notetaker: @Bria Lynn Parker (Unlicensed)

  • Roll call question: Tell us a useless or interesting fact you know!

2 min

Recent contributions

@Maggie Hughes

Shoutouts since November!


  • Kevin Schlottmann

  • Dave Mayo


Bugs/new issues:

  • Dave Mayo

5 min

Program update

@Christine Di Bella

ArchivesSpace Help Center launched last week! (Thanks, User Docs Team!)

End of year development and clean-up ongoing, closing up PRs in GitHub and Jira tickets - feature enhancements coming up for next release. Thanks to Laney and Lora.

Forum planning group getting pulled together now, building on success of last year's event. Still looking for volunteers to help plan the event!

5 min

TAC/UAC updates

@Maggie Hughes

TAC/UAC first joint Quarterly Report for the ASpace Governance Board.

  • Lives in TAC/UAC Documents>Joint Quarterly Reports

  • Joint quarterly reports will help reduce redundancy - board is pleased with the result

  • Check out past quarterly reports to get a better idea for formatting updates from sub-teams

TAC meetings

  • Will shift to bimonthly now. Should we meet in Jan (or March)? Looks like: TAC/UAC in Feb and then TAC in April and June.

  • Group agreed to skip January meeting, with sub-teams continuing their work.

Joint TAC/UAC meeting in February!

  • Please fill out the doodle poll by 12/18.

  • Any thoughts on how we should use this meeting? What would you like to get out of it?

    • how to organize info for future groups (sustainability of wiki, permanence of information) ; implementing a standard practice/policy regarding continuity of work from term to term.

15 min (~less than 5 min each)

Sub-team and working group updates

Integrations: @Dallas Pillen

Metadata Standards: @Kevin Schlottmann

Tech Docs: @Alicia Detelich

Dev Pri


API Working Group: @Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)


  • Three subgroups to focus on the three main areas of work-plan and these subgroups have already met

  • reviewing results of survey (what sort of internal documentation do we need to create, calendars, etc., for things that should be done regularly.

Metadata Standards

  • Reviewing import/export mappings for EAD and MARC. Have set up infrastructure for evaluating these

Tech Docs

  • Will meeting January and will have reviewed developer screencasts from HM, turning that into written documentation for Tech Docs repo

  • Review dev-focused documentation with an eye towards improvement

  • New directory in Tech Docs repo for API documentation

Dev Pri

  • 36 tickets addressed

  • Dev Pri survey is closed, Lydia has been drafting a blog post with a summary of

  • 139 individual responses from 109 institutions

  • Strong interests in configurability of PUI / staff interface ; refining search ; import/export ; custom reports


  • Josh Shaw from UAC will co-lead Testing sub-team with Greg

API Working Group

  • Triaging work ; planning out how to start on the work. After holiday break will produce documentation for first set of API routes and package those up as pull requests

15 min

Discussion topic: led by Metadata Standards sub-team

Metadata Standards sub-team

Metadata Standards team decided to assign tiers to the metadata standards

Tier 1 = MARC, EAD2002. Will fully document import/export mappings

  • Will focus on published metadata mappings - it’s a lot of work to keep these up-to-date.

  • Sub-team has developed a process for testing the mappings.

  • Github repo with sample records

  • Tracking these mappings and this work in a google spreadsheet and track testing there as well.

  • Working on sustainability of the process ; document a path for future

  • keeping up with Jira tickets with metadata tag

Should sub-team be commenting on ICA RiC conceptual model? Not sure how actionable it is yet for actual software. How would ArchivesSpace work with this?

General questions to the group - other needs or expectations? What else should be on our radar?

  • A summary or a blog post on “why should we care about this” about RiC and why it matters to ArchivesSpace might be a good idea. Reach out and contact them (ICA) and see if they’d want to

  • Changes to agents module could impact the mappings with MARC? Will keep an eye on this during testing to see if anything changes

  • Versioning of mappings - they haven’t been associated with versions before, so this is difficult to maintain

  • Versioning of all documentation that gets packaged together?

5 min

Open mic


Questions about following Jira tickets, instructions on how to create an account is on the wiki, for interested parties to comment and follow tickets

Feedback on people not knowing how to add comments to Jira tickets, so just submitting to the listserv. Maggie may mention to Dev Pri at next meeting.

1 min

Next time

@Maggie Hughes

TAC/UAC Joint meeting – February TBD! - calendar invite will be sent out after doodle poll closes

Next TAC meeting – April

Notetake: @Kevin Schlottmann

Action items
