2020-02-18 Meeting notes

2020-02-18 Meeting notes


Feb 18, 20203pm ET/2 CT/1 MT/12

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  • @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

  • Kate Blalack - regrets

    @Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)

  • @Terra Gullings (Unlicensed)

    @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

    @Julia Novakovic - regrets

    @Althea Topek


Usability Jira tickets:

Discussion topics







Roll Call



  1. How did this ticket assignment approach go?

  2. We should draft up a work plan!

  3. Sketches for a mobile-optimized view?

  1. Good approach; makes things easier to manage; able to discuss and send to Dev. Pri. and developers for final approval; less overwhelming

    1. moving tickets forward depends on the nature of the tickets

    2. need to figure out when should a ticket “die”?

    3. Closing Tickets - will send list of tickets to close to Dev. Pri.

    4. will continue with bi-weekly meetings and working on assigned tickets




@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

1.ANW-785: As an archivist, I would like to access all applicable Top Containers directly from a Resource or Accession viewReady for Implementation

2. ANW-821: Restrictions need to be more navigable and specific in SUIClosed-Will Not Do

  1. I think this is ready to go, with Ed’s comments

    1. already gone through Dev. Pri. once

    2. get input from developers/Dev. Pri so that it can move

  2. I’ve created two resulting tickets and this one can be closed since it was to complex. How do people feel about these two tickets?

    1. ANW-1033: Identifying restricted materials in SUI is not precise enoughClosed-Will Not Do

      1. Could a check box be added to a top container instance to identify as restricted?

      2. Lydia will comment on ticket to add information about check box

      3. will need to go to Dev. Pri.

    2. ANW-1032: Report Restrictions List needs refiningClosed-Will Not Do

@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  1. ANW-608: Reordering moves, particularly cut and paste, cause some reordering functions to be lost or unpredictableClosed-Duplicate 2.ANW-871: Improve "Browse Container" functionalityClosed-Will Not Do

  1. I think the purpose of this ticket needs to be updated. The original issue I did not experience when testing. The ticket appears to now be about understanding how to select multiple items when using reorder mode. It’s good to know but I’m not sure how it can be resolved in the application

    1. to move forward the ticket needs to be reworked

    2. comment that did not experience issue and close ticket

  2. I would like this feature and feel that it is similar to the generate pdf background job that used to have you reenter the resource that you were wanting to create a pdf for

    1. pass to Dev. Pri for further review

    2. consider creating a list of all tickets related to top containers for Top Container Epic to send to Christine

@Althea Topek

  1. ANW-608: Reordering moves, particularly cut and paste, cause some reordering functions to be lost or unpredictableClosed-Duplicate 2. ANW-350: Sorting values in enumerations tables is inefficientClosed-Duplicate


@Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)

  1. ANW-945: Prevent creating duplicate Top Containers, locations, container profilesReady for Implementation 2. ANW-889: Default numerically sort Top Containers in "Manage Top Container" Resource resultsClosed-Will Not Do

  1. I’ve commented on the ticket- I agree with at least one aspect of this ticket (preventing duplicate top containers) and would like to see it implemented.

    1. Consider creating warning message - Lori will follow up

    2. Lori will create a new ticket and will link and add to agenda

  2. This looks like it is already being worked on by developers. Would just need a follow up to confirm.

    1. Question about how to code it - but the ticket looks to be proceeding

    2. Talk with Christine about it and ask if it should be moved to Dev. Pri.

Kate Blalack

  1. ANW-477: As an Archivist, I would like to sort Components in the Resource tree alphabetically by title without having changes persistClosed-Will Not Do 2. ANW-538: As an archivist, I would like to be able to transfer more than one component at a timeClosed-Will Not Do


@Julia Novakovic

  1. ANW-775: As an archivist, I want the Agents and Subject Headings sorted in ResourcesReady for Implementation 2. ANW-552: As an archivist, I would like to have the generic end user search algorithm exclude resource components and digital object components by default, then allow users to opt them in.Closed-Duplicate

  1. Viewed Jira ticket and commented; interested to hear if it would be difficult to implement, or how others have dealt with the order going from AT to AS over time. [Maybe there’s a plug-in?]

    1. loop in Christine and Laura to see how difficult this would be

    2. Lydia will comment on ticket - that usability would be on board with this

  2. This may already be addressed with PUI in most recent releases [e.g., limiting search to collection or digital materials, vs. searching all record types]-- or am I missing something?

    1. Should probably be closed

    2. Need to work on more current tickets

@Terra Gullings (Unlicensed)

  1. ANW-552: As an archivist, I would like to have the generic end user search algorithm exclude resource components and digital object components by default, then allow users to opt them in.Closed-Duplicate 2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-972

2. I agree, not sure how complicated it would be to customize per institution (though would be ideal).

2. should say something different from print - download, export, pdf finding aid

2. Terra will comment on the ticket




Next Meeting

March 3


Action items


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