Conference Calls and Zoom Meetings calendar

Conference Calls and Zoom Meetings calendar

This shared calendar is provided to round up team meetings scheduled using the ArchivesSpace conference call-line and program-hosted Zoom meetings.

Need to use the conference call line or Zoom account for your ArchivesSpace group? Please check the calendar for available times and then use the instructions provided at the bottom of this page. If you need the account information for the conference call line or Zoom, please contact jessica.crouch@lyrasis.org.

Eastern Time
 View calendar
Central Time
 View calendar
Mountain Time
 View calendar
Pacific Time
 View calendar
How to:
  • Add an event: To add your call to this calendar, please include ArchivesSpace(dot)Calendar@gmail.com in your calendar email invite. Be sure to indicate in the invite whether it is a conference call or a Zoom meeting. Your invitation will automatically populate in the calendar.
  • Update an event: If you need to update the details on an event you submitted, return to the original invitation on your own calendar, update the contents and send the updates to all recipients. This will automatically update the ArchivesSpace.Calendar@gmail.com calendar as well.
  • Remove an event: To cancel or remove an event from this calendar, simply un-invite ArchivesSpace.Calendar@gmail.com from the originating calendar email invite.
  • See more details on an event: To view more details, use your mouse to click on the scheduled event. This will open up a window that displays the details included in the email invitation.
  • Different time zone? If you are in a different time zone and you would like to have it added to this page, please email us at ArchivesSpaceHome@lyrasis.org.
  • Please note: The ArchivesSpace.Calendar@gmail.com account is used only for managing this calendar. We will not be checking this for incoming emails or inquiries. Please send all conversations to ArchivesSpaceHome@lyrasis.org.