Kansas City Regional Forum - November 2018

Kansas City Regional Forum - November 2018

November 29

Pre-forum happy hour

Please join us for an optional happy hour on November 29, the evening before the forum! A selection of appetizers (including vegetarian options) will be provided. You are welcome to purchase your own drinks or additional food. This social activity is open to everyone.

  • Location: Smokehouse Barbeque
  • Address: 19000 E 39th St, Independence, MO 64057
  • Time: 5:30 - 7:00 pm
  • Date: November 29

November 30

Morning Program

TimeTopicsTime allocation
8:30 - 9:00 am

Morning refreshments and check-in

Location: Community Room

30 minutes
9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Workshop A: Controlling Data in ArchivesSpace.

Location: Computer Lab

 About this workshop:

This workshop will cover introductory topics on the ArchivesSpace Staff Interface, selected by a poll presented during registration check-out. "Option 3: Controlling Data in ArchivesSpace" is the workshop topic that received the most votes.

About this workshop: The learning objectives for this workshop includes:

  • Working with agent and subject records
  • Working with controlled values list
  • Setting up default templates and note order
  • Record and manage physical locations and containers within a repository

Suggested topics included:

  • Option 1: Deep dive of Accession & Resource records: How to create an accession record, all about notes and spawning; How to create a resource record, all about notes, creating multi-level description, adding instance(s)
  • Option 2: Built-in ArchivesSpace efficiencies: Learn how to use Rapid Data Entry; set up default values for new accession, resource or digital object records; import EAD record with archival objects and merge with brief top-level resource record; controlled value list; default note order; LCNAF Import plugin; Container and Location management (Space tracking)
  • Option 3: Controlling Data in ArchivesSpace: Cleaning up controlled values list; adding values to controlled values list; creating agent and subject records; merging duplicate agent/subject records
 Workshop requirements:

What you need to bring for the workshop:

  • Computers will be provided in the computer lab.
  • You are not required to bring a laptop, but you are welcome to bring it if you prefer.

Workshop materials we will provide:

  • ASpace workshop instance
  • Workshop workbook: (link will be provided next week)


  • Miloche Kottman, University of Kansas Libraries

Workshop B: Introduction to Git and GitHub: A hands-on workshop.

Location: Community Room (aka Programming Classroom on the map)

 About this workshop:

Git is a powerful open source version control tool that was originally designed for software development projects. GitHub is a web-based service that offers the functionality of Git plus additional features that enhance collaboration and project management. The combination of Git and GitHub creates a redundant, transparent, and reproducible work environment. However, accessing items available on GitHub (such as ArchivesSpace source code, documentation, and migration scripts) can be confusing and frustrating without training and practice.

This workshop will introduce you to the basics of using Git on the command line, setting up your own GitHub repository, and contributing to projects hosted on GitHub. This workshop will also introduce you to using Markdown for formatting plain text files. You do not need to have any prior knowledge of Git, GitHub, Markdown, or the Unix-style command line to attend.

 Workshop requirements:

You will need to bring a Windows, Mac, or Linux laptop to this workshop. Do not bring a Chromebook or iOS/Android tablet, as these do not have appropriate functionality for Git. You will need to install some software and create a GitHub account prior to the workshop.

Instructions for these tasks are available at https://kulibraries.github.io/20181130-git-aspace/#setup


  • Jamene Brooks-Kieffer, University of Kansas Libraries


  • Patrice-Andre Prud'homme, Oklahoma State University Library
  • Scott Hanrath, University of Kansas Libraries
  • Tami Albin, University of Kansas Libraries

This workshop is based on Git and GitHub lessons from [Library Carpentry](https://librarycarpentry.github.io/lc-git/) and the [Mozilla Science Lab](http://mozillascience.github.io/working-open-workshop/github_for_collaboration).

3.5 hours

Location: Lunch will be provided in the Community Room (aka Programming Classroom on the map).

TimeTopicsTime allocation
12:30 - 1:30 pm

Lunch and registration check-in.

A catered lunch will be provided in the Community Room. Please feel free to mingle, chat, and connect with each other!

1 hour
Afternoon program

Location: All sessions in the afternoon will meet in the Community Room (aka Programming Classroom on the map).



Time allocation

1:30 - 1:35

Welcome & Code of Conduct

Christine Kim (Community Engagement Coordinator, ArchivesSpace)

5 minutes

1:35 - 2:15 pm


A Processing Librarian's Relationship with ArchivesSpace: A Hybrid Position / Presenter: Jenna Silver-Baustian, University of Iowa

We’re on the Road to Somewhere: Navigating Your ArchivesSpace Implementation / Presenters: Anne Marie Lyons, Atlas Systems, Inc. and Madeline Sheldon, LYRASIS


40 minutes
2:15 - 3:45 pm

Discussions: Navigating Implementation

Overview: Institutions will have an opportunity to explore the various stages of ArchivesSpace implementation.

During this session, institutions are invited to provide a brief overview of their current status of implementation, and the group can brainstorm action items to progress to the next stage of ArchivesSpace usage.

The following organizations will be highlighted during this session, but we are happy to include additional volunteers.

  • Adonna Thompson, Avila University
  • Danielle Butler, Central Arkansas Library System
  • Todd ZittlowConcordia Historical Institute
  • Tara Laver, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

Note: We will take breaks as needed throughout this session.

Notes | Discussion files

1.5 hours
3:45 - 4:30 pm

Break-out discussions

A list of potential discussion topics will be provided at the forum. There will also be an opportunity to suggest discussion topics during the forum.


45 minutes
4:30 pm

Closing remarks & Wrap-up

Program team

5 minutes


Site: Midwest Genealogy Center

Address: 3440 S. Lee's Summit Road, Independence, MO 64055-1923


Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Parking: Parking & Transportation - Kansas City

Volunteers sign-up: https://goo.gl/zJmjxT

Connecting to WiFi

WiFi: Wifi will be available on site.

Forum evaluations
Working group
  • Danielle Butler (Central Arkansas Library System)
  • Marcella Huggard (University of Kansas)
  • Miloche Kottman (University of Kansas)
  • Patrice-Andre Prud'homme (Oklahoma State University)
  • Christine Kim (ArchivesSpace)

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