2018-04-24 Meeting notes


3pm EST


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Round robin of Jira assignments

Kanban boards: New bug reports: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=15

Discuss Dev. Prioritization documentation

Discussion items

Welcome - any announcements?

 Jira tickets to discuss (at least 3 each)

ANW-489 - Getting issue details... STATUS  last modified - pass

ANW-344 - Getting issue details... STATUS  PUI headings for notes - pass

ANW-338 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Print description of any page in PUI - more information

ANW-490 - Getting issue details... STATUS  calendar view for archival description - pass


ANW-297 - Getting issue details... STATUS  remove the accordion for Collection Overview and just do See more - awaiting more info, Lydia will follow up with mockups

ANW-445 - Getting issue details... STATUS  bulk update container indicator - pass

ANW-366 - Getting issue details... STATUS  accessibility - pass - may need field added to config for branding


ANW-528 - Getting issue details... STATUS  directly edit controlled value in SI, not only en.yml - pass - would need to be effort to create a label dictionary

ANW-544 - Getting issue details... STATUS  passwordless accounts? - awaiting more information - seeking more info re: priority

ANW-534 - Getting issue details... STATUS  user wants to edit their own user account and password - awaiting more information

ANW-406 - Getting issue details... STATUS  error information needs more clarity - awaiting more information


ANW-652 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Cory’s classification ticket - may potentially be two issues here because of the error message.  Do the delays ever go through or is it just slow? - pass

ANW-529 - Getting issue details... STATUS  MARC XML output - parts are in progress of being resolved - pass - tag Christine and Manny R.

ANW-435 - Getting issue details... STATUS  batch exports - awaiting more information - seeking community interest/input

Action items
