2018-06-14 Meeting notes


 1pm EST


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Round robin of Jira assignments

Kanban boards: New bug reports: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=15

Discussion items

Roll Call/ Announcements
  • Last meeting for Suzanne and Cory.  Thank you both for your valuable work on the Dev. Pri. team!
  • Last scheduled meeting for the summer.  Will reconvene after SAA with the new Dev. Pri. members.


ANW-273 - Getting issue details... STATUS Tooltips for PUI - pass

 The Documentation Team assembled a fairly robust set of tooltip definitions for the PUI. They can be accessed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EG7mCH_cRY8fOC73v3yAh7ZJ0YkSe0qEYOmZExFI8ZM/edit?usp=sharing


ANW-382 - Getting issue details... STATUS finding aid language of description in controlled values - pass

Related to:  ANW-697 - Getting issue details... STATUS  multiple language entries - pass

ANW-380 - Getting issue details... STATUS  date expressions for beginning and ending dates related to Agents currently in development - awaiting more information


ANW-365 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Accessibility improvements via HTML5 - pass

ANW-391 - Getting issue details... STATUS RDE disappears - revisiting from last meeting, is description and solution ok? - need input of someone with more javascript to know how to fix. - pass 

ANW-220 - Getting issue details... STATUS  orphaned records - revisting from last meeting, More inquiry needs to happen about what creates the orphan records anyways.  Lora is working on plug in for this.  What type of records are plugging this? - pass

ANW-283 - Getting issue details... STATUS  breadcrumbs - done!

(If time)


ANW-521 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Display of subject type in staff typeahead - need a genreform icon - pass

ANW-381 - Getting issue details... STATUS  Parallel statements of extent as EAD3 compatible exports

ANW-355 - Getting issue details... STATUS  URI with controlled values - awaiting more information

ANW-674 - Getting issue details... STATUS  OAI-PMH through staff interface


ANW-148 - Getting issue details... STATUS  LCNAF plugin not working - use VIAF API instead?

ANW-696 - Getting issue details... STATUS  error when PUI searches records with embedded <p> tags

ANW-158 - Getting issue details... STATUS  smaller screen issue - revisiting

ANW-706 - Getting issue details... STATUS  accessibility - keyboard navigation

ANW-702 - Getting issue details... STATUS  accessibility - remove empty anchor tags

Action items
