2017-09-12 User Advisory Council Meeting

2017-09-12 User Advisory Council Meeting


12 September 2017 - 2:00pm ET

Call In:

Number: 888-354-0094

Access code: 731627


Not Present: 


Update members on ArchivesSpace program activities including activities of sub-teams

Discussion items











2:00 pm Eastern time

Roll Call

Suzanne Stasiulatis

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

Fixing bugs on the users group and hosting providers including indexing and generation of PDFs on the staff side.  EAD exporter of Duke and NC State working on.  Tufts feature also nearly ready.  Christine Kim also working on a webinar of the new public interface in November.

Sub-team Reports

Development   Prioritization

Jason Loeffler

The Development Prioritization sub-team continues evaluating and prioritizing JIRA tickets. The new workflow, established in Spring 2017 in conference with ArchivesSpace Tech Lead, Laney McGlohon, works remarkably well. During monthly calls, the sub-team continues to extensively discuss reported bugs and new feature requests and make recommendations for their disposition.
As reported to TAC last month, tickets are distributed as follows:
  • There are 19 reported bugs in this queue. 
  • Of these 10 will see resolution in a future major or minor release.
  • 5 are awaiting prioritization.
  • 1 is started.

  • There are 12 new feature requests in this queue. 
  • Of these 4 will see issuance in a future major or minor release. 
  • 6 are awaiting prioritization.
  • 2 are either awaiting more information from reporters or validation by the sub-team.

As bugs and feature requests related to the staff interface arise, the sub-team has agreed to refer such issues to the ArchivesSpace Staff Interface Enhancement Working Group (SIEWG) for further evaluation, i.e. whether to immediately promote the issue in the current development workflow or redress the issues down the line, as part of a substantial overhaul of the staff interface. 
The sub-team will continue to seek opportunities to collaborate with other groups and make recommended improvements to the JIRA workflow in order to increase its transparency and efficacy for ArchivesSpace end users.
The sub-team is also actively seeking new members for the 2017-2018 term.  


John Zarrillo

Since summer, reviewed 50% of current manual on member site.  Now reviewing the 2nd half of that.  Reviews due at the end of the month.  Peer review and then updated.


Carolyn Runyon/Nikki Thomas

  • The Reports Subteam is meeting month with ArchivesSpace Technical Lead, Laney McGlohon to review tasks, test releases candidates, provide feedback, and develop new reports.
  • The group is awaiting feedback from the development team regarding new report definitions, which were developed by the group in March. Once we’ve tested the format and information provided in the report definitions, we plan to create a template and develop 36 new pre-defined reports.
  • In the meantime, the group is working on a Data Dictionary, which we hope will allow users who wish to create their own custom reports better understand the data stored in ArchivesSpace


Miloche Kottman

New member, Brittany Newberry, was added.  In mid-August tested the following Jira issues:

Other Business

 Potential Community Engagement Sub-team

Discussion: call for volunteers by social media?  Perhaps with a User Advisory point-person to help facilitate the group?  Goals for prospective and new members to connect with users and see how ArchivesSpace can be applied.  Webinars, blog, member forum and other events, social opportunities, etc.

Proposed line of action: Christine Kim might take the lead for this group and report back to UAC.

New people on subteams:

@Brittany Newberry is on Documentation and Testing

@Ann Merryman is on Documentation

@Scott Hanrath (Unlicensed)Ziegler is on Reports