2018-03-14 User Advisory Council Meeting

2018-03-14 User Advisory Council Meeting

Date: March 14 2018 - 12:00pm ET

Call In:

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        US: +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923  or +1 669 900 6833

    Meeting ID: 480 879 807

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Not Present: 



Update members on ArchivesSpace program activities including activities of sub-teams

Discussion items                    













 Eastern time

Roll Call

Suzanne Stasiulatis

Scheduled Notetaker: Miloche Kottman

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

Lora Woodford has started as DevOps Specialist.  She currently is working 100% of her time on ArchivesSpace, however starting July 1st, she will scale back to approximately 50% of her time on ArchivesSpace. 

There are two contractor projects currently being worked on:  1) Cherry Hill will be working June on the visual layout of the staff interface (Cherry Hill developed the wireframes for the Public User Interface).  2) Library Host is working on adding features and fixing bugs in the OAI-PMH harverster and also working on the import/export mappings.  This work will also continue through June.

This year we've added several topical webinars and blog posts to the outreach activities.  If anyone has ideas for topics or wants to volunteer, contact Christine Kim.

Regional Forums:  Two have been scheduled, one in Boston in May and one at UC Irvine in June.  There is likely to be another one scheduled this fall in Kansas City.  Working on developing a model, i.e. "Forum in a box" to make it easier for areas to host regional forums.

Nominations for UAC, TAC and Governance Board are open.  Nominations due April 15

Question:  Will there be a major release in March.  Answer: Devlopment work is continuing but yes there will be a release around the end of March/beginning of June.

Sub-team Reports

Development   Prioritization

Lydia Tang

  • Started assigning JIRA tickets to members to investigate prior to each meeting and discussing.  The JIRA tickets are a mixture of new tickets and revisiting tickets previously marked as “Awaiting More Information.”  This workflow has greatly improved our ability to address several tickets at each meeting.  We are so glad to have Laney and Lora as dedicated ArchivesSpace developers.  Knowing a developer is down the line to catch the tickets once we’d passed them is very encouraging for our own workflows.
  • Feature requests: We have 160 Feature requests awaiting prioritization.  This uptick is due to the program migrating legacy tickets from the AR to the New Workflow.  Many of the tickets that are coming over are nearly 4 years old and we’ll be evaluating them for relevancy now.  Additionally, we anticipate a steep increase in tickets from the recommendations from the Staff Interface Enhancement Working Group.  We’re starting bi-monthly meetings to anticipate fielding the JIRA tickets from their project.  We currently have 28 Feature Requests in Awaiting more information, 24 in Ready for implementation, 8 identified as a duplicate, and 10 in the Will not do queue
  • Bugs: 26 awaiting prioritization, 19 Awaiting more information, 32 in Ready for implementation, 2 identified as a duplicate, and 5 in the Will not do queue
  • Members of the subteam are collaborating with Christine Kim for the “Bug’s Life” webinar scheduled for April 11th at 1 EST.


John Zarrillo

  • Completed review and revision of the User Manual. Currently working with Christine Kim to complete the update.
  • Identified 14 "old version" sections of the User Manual to be archived.
  • Added "last modified" date to all sections of the User Manual (thanks Jasmine Jones (Unlicensed) and Christine Kim!)
  • PUI tooltips: Working on assembling tooltip definitions for the Public User Interface. Identified 75 terms and provided 53 definitions (thank you Miloche Kottman for the hard work!)


Carolyn Runyon

  • Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) turned Nancy Enneking's excellent work on the Data Dictionary into a searchable app. Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) has approached the UAC/TAC Steering Committee to consider the best way to maintain the data dictionary with each release.
  • Submitted JIRA for the following pre-defined reports to hopefully be included in an upcoming release:
  • Drafted a metadata schema crosswalk that maps MySQL tables and fields to various exports supported by ArchivesSpace, including EAD XML, MARC XML, OAI DC, OAI DCTERMS, OAI EAD, OAI MARC, and OAI MODS. Members of the sub-team are continuing to refine this documenting, and have submitted the following JIRA tickets to report possible mis-mappings as part of the effort:
  • The group continues to focus on documenting reports and exports of data through data dictionary and schema crosswalk activities, and plans to continue submitting new pre-defined report specifications for inclusion in the ArchivesSpace application.


Miloche Kottman

The Testing sub-team worked on testing for the 2.3.0 release of ArchivesSpace in January and February. Robert Lay has left the sub-team. In this most recent testing period, the sub-team tested GitHub community pull requests, which is a new addition to the issues we test. We tested six JIRA issues and four GitHub issues for the release. One of the JIRA issues tested was for the updated Agents module in ArchivesSpace, along with overall testing of the ArchivesSpace application for problems/bugs/issues. The Testing sub-team is waiting to be notified of what we will be testing next.

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