2018-05-14 User Advisory Council Meeting

2018-05-14 User Advisory Council Meeting

Date: May 14 2018 - 12:00pm ET

Call In:

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    US: +14086380968,,480879807#  or +16468769923,,480879807# Or Telephone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

        US: +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923  or +1 669 900 6833

    Meeting ID: 480 879 807

    International numbers available: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fzoom.us%2Fzoomconference%3Fm%3D84TFS7JsXMfyDTGBEmbXOm0WHlAnv3Zp&data=02%7C01%7Csustasiula%40pa.gov%7C8a0d4bb0deba4267caff08d55dc6007d%7C418e284101284dd59b6c47fc5a9a1bde%7C1%7C0%7C636518027375016751&sdata=pMQ1GiWG6aaX5a4KmcSDhAy2sB%2Fhog2qfYxuFX%2BMDO4%3D&reserved=0


Not Present: 



Update members on ArchivesSpace program activities including activities of sub-teams

Discussion items                    













AnnouncementSuzanne Stasiulatis
  • Suzanne is leaving UAC, and Ashley Knox will be taking over chair. Ashley will need to select a vice chair. Continue to cc Ashley on emails until July 1.

 Eastern time

Roll Call

Suzanne Stasiulatis

Scheduled Notetaker: Jasmine Jones

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

  • Working on things on the development side. Next release toward end of this month/beginning of June.
    • Search/index improvements, mostly on PUI, though some impact on SUI.
    • Improvements related on built in importers and exporters, notably MARC XML exporter and OAI-PMH harvester.
    • Smaller features and bug fixes.
  • Discussions with folks at ePadd and Archive-It on cooperation and collaboration. Connect if you use this or colleagues use it and share use cases.
  • First regional member forum at Tufts; another at UCI at end of June. Smaller scale versions of one at annual forum.
  • Annual forum on August 14 at Washington D.C.
  • Subscribe to the blog. There is a series that focuses on the work of the UAC.

Sub-team Reports

Development   Prioritization

Lydia Tang

Since March, the Development Prioritization subteam has met twice per month and addressed 61 tickets to the Awaiting More Information, Ready for Implementation, or Closing queues.  We have been focusing on giving priority to accessibility issues, addressing program bugs and tickets related to completing projects such as the PUI, import/export capabilities, and reducing the legacy backlog of tickets older than 3 years.  Development Prioritization subteam members Jason Loeffler, Lydia Tang, Patrick Galligan, as well as Lead Developer Laney McGlohan presented on “A Bug’s Life” webinar on April 11th.  Due to institutional changes, co-leader Jason Loeffler is stepping down from the subteam.  Jason led the Dev. Pri. Subteam since July 2016.  We are so grateful for his leadership and contributions, and wish him the best in the road ahead.


John Zarrillo

The Documentation Sub-team has drafted a list of tooltip definitions for the Public User Interface and are working to refine/tighten up and finalize the definitions.


Carolyn Runyon

  • Members of the ArchivesSpace UAC Reports Sub-team met with other members of the TAC, UAC, and Program team in early April to discuss the sustainability of the Data Dictionary originally created by Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) and Nancy Enneking of the Reports Sub-team. A record of the meeting is published in the Data Dictionary Meeting Minutes, 2018/04/03.
    • The group decided that the Project Team will use JIRA to assign work and updates to the Data Dictionary among the TAC Documentation Sub-team, UAC Documentation Sub-team, and UAC Reports Sub-team as appropriate.
      • Pending approval. 
    • The Project Team will also find a permanent home for the Data Dictionary, which is currently hosted in a beta environment at herokuapp.org. 
  • The group continues to work to enhance the Data Dictionary with crosswalk information for EAD XML, MARC XML, OAI DC, OAI DCTERMS, OAI EAD, OAI MARC, and OAI MODS.
  • Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) has been hard at work re-factoring reports so that they should all work in the upcoming release. The upcoming release should also including the following new reports, which are both awaiting assignment to a developer:


Miloche Kottman

Development activity on ASpace has increased! There are now three development streams:  regular development, contractor project(s) and community pull requests. To keep up with this activity, ASpace has gone back to a two-week sprint process.  This allows the testing timeline to be more predictable and to have issues tested as close to when they’ve been marked Ready for Testing as possible so that any that need to be fixed are still fresh in the developers’ minds.  We have completed two sprints so far with a total of 49 issues assigned to sub-team members for testing.

Starting May 1, Brittany Newberry (vice-chair of the Testing sub-team) has taken on the day-to-day management of the team's activities.  Please address any questions/comments to her.

Brittany Newberry is taking over as chair on July 1st. 

Other Business

  • Carolyn asked a question about UAC term periods. She is rolling off but is welcome to participate in reports, like Nancy Enneking has done. With regard to transition planning, sub-teams can take the lead to decided how transitions will happen and what leadership in the group looks like, or they can work with the UAC chair to help with transition.
    • Reports subteam will discuss at their next meeting.