2018-01-18 User Advisory Council Meeting

Date: January 18, 2018 - 12:00pm ET

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        US: +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923  or +1 669 900 6833

    Meeting ID: 480 879 807

    International numbers available: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fzoom.us%2Fzoomconference%3Fm%3D84TFS7JsXMfyDTGBEmbXOm0WHlAnv3Zp&data=02%7C01%7Csustasiula%40pa.gov%7C8a0d4bb0deba4267caff08d55dc6007d%7C418e284101284dd59b6c47fc5a9a1bde%7C1%7C0%7C636518027375016751&sdata=pMQ1GiWG6aaX5a4KmcSDhAy2sB%2Fhog2qfYxuFX%2BMDO4%3D&reserved=0


Not Present: 


Update members on ArchivesSpace program activities including activities of sub-teams

Discussion items            










 Eastern time

Roll Call

Suzanne Stasiulatis

Scheduled Notetaker: John Zarrillo

  • Updated Users Advisory Council Main page and UAC Subteams: Descriptions and Rosters page.
    • Outgoing members: Robert Lay and Ann Merryman. These members will not be replaced until July 2018.
    • New members: Ashley Knox

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

  • Staff Interface Enhancement Group delivered its recommendations before the December break. Currently reviewing and starting to put them together into projects for consideration by the Development Prioritization subteam, community, or possibly outside consultants as appropriate
  • Expect next release to come out at the end of January - some bug fixes and small features, as well as one part of the agents specification (ability to add additional required fields)
  • First regional member forum is scheduled for Boston on May 3; after that will be Irvine, California, in June, and then likely Kansas City in the fall. Currently pursuing sites for the Annual Member Forum, which will be in Washington, DC, on August 14. Please get in touch with Kim if you'd like to participate in the planning of any of these, or can host.

Discussion regarding the member forums: Regional forums will be similar to the annual forum, on a smaller scale. A presentation and a workshop/hands-on activity will be scheduled, as well as a social component.

Sub-team Reports

Development   Prioritization

Lydia Tang

  • Thanks to Kari S. (Unlicensed) for her participation on the team. 
  • Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) added as team co-lead. Lydia will assist with community outreach, engaging with team members, and documentation of team workflow.
  • The team is awaiting the results from program staff about staff interface enhancements and intends to assist with the prioritization of tasks. 
  • The team will collectively work on online documentation of bug reporting for an April webinar, organized by Christine Kim.
  • Team co-lead Jason Loeffler is liaising directly with bug reporters and feature requests on issues that are "Awaiting more information" as part of a broad effort to drive down the number of stale bug reports and determine the disposition of these reports. 
    • There are 28 reported bugs in this queue (down from 35 in Q4).
    • 10 are either awaiting more information from reporters or validation by the team.
    • 14 are awaiting prioritization.
    • 17 are ready for implementation and will be realized in a future release.
    • 3 are started.
    • 1 is awaiting testing.
    • There are 37 new feature requests in this queue (up from 12 in Q4).
    • 10 are either awaiting more information from reporters or validation by the sub-team.
    • 14 are awaiting prioritization
    • 11 are ready for implementation and will be realized in a future release.
    • 2 are started.


John Zarrillo

  • The team bids farewell to Ann Merryman.
  • We reviewed the Assessment module documentation.
  • Finishing up User Manual review and will update two sections that relate to the EAD3 export feature.
  • Compiling a list of "old version" sections of the User Manual to be archived.


Carolyn Runyon

  • Welcomed new member Ashley Knox to the group!
  • Explored user community needs for better documentation of exports and metadata crosswalks.
  • Continued work on a comprehensive data dictionary. 


Miloche Kottman

  • Described the Testing Sub-Teams process at the December 14, 2017 webinar: Unit Testing and the Testing Sub-Team: Varying Approaches to Testing ArchivesSpace Pre-Releases
  • Currently testing new feature ( ANW-182 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) which allows a System Administrator or Repository Manager to add fields to the required element list in the Agents Record for all four types of agents.
  • Expecting additional JIRAS by the end of the week or beginning of next week

Other Business

  • No other business was discussed.