API Documentation Ad Hoc Working Group

API Documentation Ad Hoc Working Group

Creating documentation and/or screencasts for using the ArchivesSpace API, including JSON examples for post bodies/responses. This working group is responsible for determining the scope and timeline of this work, its relationship to the existing API autodocs, its format, where it would live, etc., as well as how it it would be promoted and maintained going forward.

The charge of this working group is to improve the coverage and quality of the API documentation by:

  • adding additional examples and documentation

  • overriding incorrect examples

The primary tasks involved are:

  • analyzing the existing docs and examples to determine which need attention

  • writing new documentation and example content

  • adding the docs/examples into the ASpace codebase via Github pull requests

and the coordination and distribution of this work.

As an Ad Hoc Working Group, TAC Membership is not a requirement for participation.

API documentation work tracking spreadsheet

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