Awesome ArchivesSpace Ad Hoc Working Group

Awesome ArchivesSpace Ad Hoc Working Group

Creating an Awesome List repository (or similar), to live in the ArchivesSpace or ArchivesSpace-Labs GitHub organization. The list would start with two categories (which could be expanded later) based on the interests of the current (2017-2018) cohort of TAC members: migrations and plug-ins. It would point to items that are and aren't maintained by the ArchivesSpace program team, and that are inside and outside of existing ArchivesSpace repos. Inclusion on the list doesn't represent an endorsement of any kind. The working group would be responsible for the initial population of the list and provide a plan for promoting it as well as adding to and maintaining it going forward. For an example of what this might look like, see the IIIF Awesome List.

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