Migration sub-team

Migration sub-team


The Migration Sub-team generally provides support for migrating data to ArchivesSpace from other systems and support for importing and exporting data such as EAD, MARCXML, CSV.

Work of the sub-team falls into three broad categories:

 1) Assisting organizations with migrating data from Archivists Toolkit, Archon, and sometimes other legacy systems and from formatted data objects such as EAD, MARCXML, and CSV documents:

    • providing guidance on planning for data migration and possible data migration strategies

    • creating and maintaining migration-related documentation such as FAQs and screencasts.

    • identifying and reporting on issues with existing migration tools

    • modifying migration scripts (if expertise is available) or drafting feature requests for modifying scripts

2) Assisting with maintenance of importers and exporters for EAD, MARCXML, CSV, EAC by:

    • testing import / export functionality

    • reporting bugs or drafting feature requests in JIRA

    • updating import / export mapping documents as needed

    • exploring other potential import / export pathways (e.g. EAD3)

3) Serving as a resource to the ArchivesSpace community by:

    • responding to migration and import/export related questions on the user list

    • drafting new feature requests for new or improved import / export functionality

    • helping organizations troubleshoot migration and import/export issues.

Please note that the Migration Sub-team typically CANNOT perform database migrations on behalf of members and WILL NOT perform extensive data cleanup on behalf of members or rewrite migration scripts to accommodate institution-specific practices. For institutions seeking more in-depth assistance with your ArchivesSpace migration we recommend reviewing the migration services offered by ArchivesSpace Registered Service Providers

Roster, 2017-2018

Terry CatapanoColumbia Universitythc4@columbia.edu
Maggie HughesUniversity of California Los Angelesmhughes@library.ucla.edu

Julia McGinnis

California University of Pennsylvaniamcginnis@calu.edu
Dustin StokesAtlas Systems, Inc.dstokes@atlas-sys.com

Trevor Thornton

North Carolina State Universitytrthorn2@ncsu.edu

Roster, 2015-2016


Noah Huffman (Chair)


Duke Universitynoah.huffman@duke.edu
Terry CatapanoColumbia Universitythc4@columbia.edu
Dave Mayo (affiliate)Harvard Universitydave_mayo@harvard.edu
Cory NimerBrigham Young Universitycory_nimer@byu.edu
Chris PromUniversity of Illinois Urbana Champaignprom@illinois.edu
Terry ReeseThe Ohio State Universityreese.2179@osu.edu
Phil SudaTulane Universitypsuda1@tulane.edu
Michael VandermillenHarvard Universitymichael_vandermillen@harvard.edu
Brian HarringtonLyrasisbrian.harrington@lyrasis.org

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