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@Valerie Addonizio
Kate Blalack
@Jared Campbell
@Regina Carra (UAC Vice-Chair)
@Alicia Detelich - regrets
@Christine Di Bella (Lyrasis)
@Elizabeth Dunham
@James Griffin (Unlicensed)
@Sarit Hand
@Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed) (Lyrasis)
@Randy Kuehn
@Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)
@Daniel Michelson (UAC Chair)
@Andrew Morrison (Unlicensed)
@Austin Munsell
@Elizabeth Roke
@Kevin Schlottmann
@Rachel Searcy
@Jenna Silver - regrets
@Tom Steele
@saron tran
Term Planning
Discussion topics
10 min
@Randy Kuehn
Notetaker: Volunteer?
5 min
Program Update
@Christine Di Bella
15 min
Sub-team Updates
Development Prioritization: @Angela White
Integrations: Kate Blalack
Metadata Standards: @Valerie Addonizio
Technical Documentation: @Alicia Detelich@Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)
Testing: @Rachel Searcy
Development Prioritization:
Integrations: We are experiencing some issues due to succession, so our plan is to continue the work that has been ongoing. We have met as a small group once, but still need to firm up our work plan. We have a Lyrasis fellow, Mark Chalmers, working with us who will be contributing with an outside development project incorporating integrations. He is currently drafting his workplan.
Metadata Standards:
We have met and developed our workplan for the year, awaiting final approval in our next meeting
We address remaining issues from our review of the MARC importer mappings
We want to work with AS on a more proactive role for how and when Metadata gets tagged on tickets so that we can participate sooner in the process
We expect to identify tickets for which we would like feedback and then reach out directly to the community for more engagement
We will review the EAD importer mappings next
Technical Documentation:
Testing: Currently doing full application testing of 3.1.0 and 13 Jira tickets
10 min
TAC Business
@Randy Kuehn
Scheduling meetings
Sub-team work plans
Be ready to present your workplans at the September Joint TAC/UAC Meeting
Sub-team description updates: Please review your sub-team description pages and think about what you would like to include in terms of the knowledge/skills/training recruits may gain from serving on your sub-team.
TAC/UAC Wiki Organization - Dan and I will be reorganizing the wiki space with a goal of logical consistency. If you have ideas, please send me your thoughts by Wednesday, September 1st. Thank you!