2022-07-05 Meeting notes

2022-07-05 Meeting notes


Jul 5, 2022

Zoom link


  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Matthew Neely

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @Tom Steele

  • @Althea Topek

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)

  • Matthew Strauss

  • @Keli Schmid


 Discussion topics

Topic / Who




Topic / Who




@Daniel Michelson

Welcome to new members: Keli Schmid (Denver Public Library) and Matthew Strauss (Heinz History Center)



@Daniel Michelson


Summary written up by Saron

Additional questions:

  • Were there things that went particularly well this past year?

  • Were there things that didn’t work well?

  • Are there ideas for improvement?

  • Managed to get through lots of tickets and also progressed the backlog.

  • Relationship with Metadata Standards was good in reviewing and adding comments to tickets.

  • Need some thought on what’s possible for developers when reviewing tickets.

  • Agreed that Dev Pri member assigned to a ticket should also provide the feedback in the comments after meetings. This will help people submitting tickets understand our feedback more easily.

  • Would be worth look at doing more outreach to encourage new tickets.

@Althea Topek

  1. ANW-1547: Improve intuitiveness of viewing parallel names for agent records in PUI search resultsClosed-Will Not Do

  1. Display parallel names in search - pass

From last meeting’s notes: Leave to next term. MARC doesn’t distinguish, btw parallel names and name forms , EAC-CPF does

  1. Assigned to Brian Hoffman to investigate further

@Randy Kuehn

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-714

  1. Unsure if recommended code change is still relevant
    2018 ticket - modify AS startup to improve garbage collection (reclaiming unused memory)


startup_cmd="java "$JAVA_OPTS" \ 
-cp \"lib/:launcher/lib/$JRUBY\" \ 
org.jruby.Main --disable-gems \"launcher/launcher.rb\""

  1. Closed as issue no longer seems relevant. Can be looked at again if issue arises in future.

@Matthew Neely

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-134

  1. This ticket is requesting the ability to create user permissions at the level of individual resources. This is to prevent editing of other resources. I think this is potentially useful but not sure how big a piece of work this could be. There are other workflow options that could be deployed.

  1. Passed and priority changed to minor. Issue has been raised before.

@Daniel Michelson

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-833

  1. We passed this at the last meeting, since I was able to reproduce it while we were talking, but I was unable to do so again. Happily someone else has been able to reproduce, so I recommend passing again, but we should definitely sharply reduce the priority. I suggest either minor or trivial.

  1. Pass and priority set as trivial.

@Tom Steele

  1. ANW-504: As an Archivist, I want to identify an Agent linked to a (Resource | Digital Object | Accession | Resource Component | Digital Object Component) as "Primary"Closed-Complete

  1. I don’t understand what they mean by primary. If a record has 2 or more agents, only one is listed above the fold, and they’re displayed in order of listed, not alphabetical like subjects. Needs more information indeed.

  1. Closed. ANW-1095 addresses this and is in testing.

 Action items


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