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@Daniel Michelson | Welcome to new members: Keli Schmid (Denver Public Library) and Matthew Strauss (Heinz History Center) | | |
@Daniel Michelson | Retrospective/Planning | Summary written up by Saron Additional questions: Were there things that went particularly well this past year? Were there things that didn’t work well? Are there ideas for improvement?
| Managed to get through lots of tickets and also progressed the backlog. Relationship with Metadata Standards was good in reviewing and adding comments to tickets. Need some thought on what’s possible for developers when reviewing tickets. Agreed that Dev Pri member assigned to a ticket should also provide the feedback in the comments after meetings. This will help people submitting tickets understand our feedback more easily. Would be worth look at doing more outreach to encourage new tickets.
@Althea Topek | ANW-1547: Improve intuitiveness of viewing parallel names for agent records in PUI search resultsClosed-Will Not Do
| Display parallel names in search - pass
From last meeting’s notes: Leave to next term. MARC doesn’t distinguish, btw parallel names and name forms , EAC-CPF does | Assigned to Brian Hoffman to investigate further
@Randy Kuehn | ANW-714: Possible changes to JAVA_OPTS to improve issues causing 'GC Limit Exceeded' errorClosed-Will Not Do
| Unsure if recommended code change is still relevant 2018 ticket - modify AS startup to improve garbage collection (reclaiming unused memory) ASPACE_JAVA_USEOLDGCS="-XX:+UseG1GC" ASPACE_JAVA_G1ReservePercent="-XX:G1ReservePercent=40"
startup_cmd="java "$JAVA_OPTS" \
-cp \"lib/:launcher/lib/$JRUBY\" \
org.jruby.Main --disable-gems \"launcher/launcher.rb\""
| Closed as issue no longer seems relevant. Can be looked at again if issue arises in future.
@Matthew Neely | ANW-134: Resource-specific permissions for students/interns/volunteersReady for Implementation
| This ticket is requesting the ability to create user permissions at the level of individual resources. This is to prevent editing of other resources. I think this is potentially useful but not sure how big a piece of work this could be. There are other workflow options that could be deployed.
| Passed and priority changed to minor. Issue has been raised before.
@Daniel Michelson | ANW-833: In PUI, collection organization tree jumps to bottom when width is adjustedClosed-Complete
| We passed this at the last meeting, since I was able to reproduce it while we were talking, but I was unable to do so again. Happily someone else has been able to reproduce, so I recommend passing again, but we should definitely sharply reduce the priority. I suggest either minor or trivial.
| Pass and priority set as trivial.
@Tom Steele | ANW-504: As an Archivist, I want to identify an Agent linked to a (Resource | Digital Object | Accession | Resource Component | Digital Object Component) as "Primary"Closed-Complete
| I don’t understand what they mean by primary. If a record has 2 or more agents, only one is listed above the fold, and they’re displayed in order of listed, not alphabetical like subjects. Needs more information indeed.
| Closed. ANW-1095 addresses this and is in testing.