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Confirmed this bug report. Also noticed the two other URLs in the root element are using “http” and being redirected to an “https” site. Pass.
This ticket encompasses two open subtasks and was last discussed by Dev/Pri in 2020. One requests the ability to import XML accession data, which is waiting for a spec. The other requests the ability to import accession data with multiple subjects. There have been several recent comments in favor of this feature. Previous comments suggest importing via XML could provide this capability. Though multiple subjects/agents can currently be imported via the API, I’d recommend passing this given the community interest.
EAD exporter is using the old protocol for EAD which is re-directing to the current version. Metadata Standards have reviewed ticket and support the proposed change to the new protocol. Pass.
Metadata Standards have produced a specification for this following this ticket being reviewed by Dev Pri, 4 Oct 2022. Proposed spec is for the MARC XML Bibliographic (Resource) importer. If passed, additional tickets will be created for other import options. Recommend passing this.
This ticket is ostensibly asking for the ability to make links in note fields open in a new window or tab via HTML encoding. I’m not sure if this is a misunderstanding by the submitter of the difference between XML encoding (which is partially supported) and HTML encoding (which is not supported). In any case, the way the system currently works is that using the <ref> tag causes the link to be opened in the current tab and using the <extref> tag causes the link to be opened in a new tab. The submitter noted that using <extref> instead of <ref> resolves the issue for them, but still likes the idea of having support for the ability to make that determination view HTML encoding.
I don’t see any reason why we’d allow HTML encoding, but I do understand why there might be a reason to allow more flexibility with the XML encoding in note fields. That said, I don’t think this is worth doing, since it’s such an edge case and I have a deep dislike for mixed content in note fields.
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