2022-09-06 Meeting notes

2022-09-06 Meeting notes


Sep 6, 2022

Zoom link


  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Matthew Neely

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @Tom Steele

  • @Althea Topek

  • @Christine Di Bella (regrets)

  • @Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)

  • @Matt Strauss

  • @Keli Schmid (regrets)


 Discussion topics

Topic / Who




Topic / Who




@Daniel Michelson

2022-2023 Workplan Discussion

Our primary work will continue to be reviewing and prioritizing tickets for development. What else? A few possibilities below (with a focus on collaboration/community feedback in line with the overall council goals):

  • Publicize meeting agendas within TAC/UAC (or further?) and invite people to join if interested

  • Present at 2023 ArchivesSpace online forum about the work of the group

  • Select a few “Awaiting More Information” tickets of particular value and seek additional community feedback


















Look at process of establishing the link between subteams when tickets passed on.

Members to email Dan if have further ideas.

@Randy Kuehn

  1. ANW-1301: OAI-PMH does not rescind published records when they are suppressedDevelopment Started

  2. ANW-1552: Archival Object XML markup errorReady for Implementation

  3. ANW-698: I would like to be able to include a stemmer in the ArchivesSpace SOLR index without using a custom build.Closed-Will Not Do

  1. Unable to Test

  2. Confirmed: improperly formatted archival object title tag can lead to title not displaying in folder tree (v3.2.0)

  3. Recommend waiting on implementation of ANW-859: Searches don't include partial matches for word stringsReady for Implementation

  1. @Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed) will test.

  2. Pass

  3. Wait for implemenation of ANW-859

@Matt Strauss

  1. ANW-1571: Display classifications as hyperlinks within linked resources on the PUIClosed-Complete

  2. ANW-1572: Configure PUI searching to include classification sub-terms Ready for Implementation

  3. ANW-426: As an archives user, I would like to be able to search within a classification / classification termReady for Implementation

  1. Making this change would make the hyperlinked nature of classification terms more apparent. 

  2. Currently only the main classification term will display in search results.  Making this change would enable classification sub-terms to also appear in search results.  If the main terms are already part of the search results, it seems logical and useful for the sub-terms to also behave this way.

  3. Ticket requests the ability to limit searches within classifications. Ticket originally submitted in 2019; at that time, it was decided to solicit feedback from the community regarding the usefulness of the proposed change. I would like to learn more about that process and how to determine what (if any) feedback was received.   Feature could be useful. Potential workaround would be to include a unique classification identifier in search.

  1. Pass

  2. Pass

  3. Awaiting more information

@Althea Topek

  1. ANW-1575: Option to spawn user-defined fields from accessions to resourcesReady for Implementation

  2. ANW-1576: Ability to publish agent notes through accessions spreadsheetReady for Implementation

  3. ANW-1544: Ability to transfer multiple components from one resource record to anotherReady for Implementation

  4. ANW-1285: PUI Collection Organization text overflows sidebar on mobile devices/small screensReady for Implementation

  1. pass

  2. who owns the accession import template?

  3. is Anne’s comment from July enough of a specification?

  4. Comment - ask Lora if the solution is a wrap around

  1. Pass

  2. Pass

  3. Pass

  4. Usability to recommend best practice

@Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)

  1. ANW-1547: Improve intuitiveness of viewing parallel names for agent records in PUI search resultsClosed-Will Not Do


  1. Awaiting more information.

@Tom Steele

  1. ANW-656: As an archivist or repository manager, I would like a Dublin Core export for resources and resource componentsAwaiting More Information

  2. ANW-435: As a repository manager, I want to batch export each type of export record, e.g., MARCXML, EAD, EAC, etc.Closed-Will Not Do

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-531

  1. no comment really, it is labeled awaiting further information. What information do we need?

  1. I believe this one is asking for EAC-CPF to be an export option. Pass.

  1. This indeed is a problem. I did test out of curiosity if merging records can also duplicate subjects/agents (merging two agents attached to a resource did not create two identical links). Merits further discussion about the application of the uniqueness constraint.

  1. Refer to Metadata standards

  2. Close. They are plugins that can do this.

@Keli Schmid

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-436

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1427

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-31



@Daniel Michelson

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-504

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-775

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-346

  1. At a recent meeting, we’d decided to close this ticket as being resolved by ANW-1095, but Kevin Schlottmann pointed out that ANW-1095 does not address the MARC compatibility issue. I recommend passing this ticket as allowing the agent link for creators to be designated as primary to support MARC import/export. Also, as either part of this ticket or as a separate ticket, the EAD export should be changed to have all creators included in the origination field in line with ANW-1095.

  2. This ticket wants agents and subjects alphabetized in the PUI and in exports. This seems helpful, but it is necessary to implement ANW-504 first to avoid breaking MARC compatibility.

  3. This ticket wants to limit the ability to share certain information between repositories designated repositories to support multi-institution installations. In this (now outdated) example, an installation with five repositories would have three of the repositories sharing certain portions of agent records (such as contacts), but the others would not share that information (except under certain unclear circumstances). The complexities of attempting such work seem quite daunting and the original authors of the request (Smith, Mount Holyoke, and Hampshire Colleges) are no longer planning a multi-institution installation, so I recommend closing the ticket.


@Matthew Neely

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-121

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1558

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-195

  1. Ticket requesting functionality for admin user to be able to suppress fields in the SUI not included in an institution’s metadata schema. This ticket was previously discussed at Dev Pri in 2020. I think there is merit in this but I recall that discussions at the time suggested that this could be addressed by training and metadata documentation. I do think there would be usability benefits in being able to customise fields to only those required by an institution.

  2. This ticket is seeking a report to be generated on all imported record types (EAD, MARC etc). The report would indicate which elements, with their values, have been imported. Ticket was created by Metadata Standards who have also offered to provide further examples and input. Suggest asking Metadata Standards for a specification?

  3. Ticket requesting ability for the Digital Object template to have multiple agents/subujects imported with a DO. Currently only does 1. Comments have suggested other paths for importing DOs with multiple subjects. Suggest community development?


 Action items


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