2022-11-17 TAC Leads Meeting

2022-11-17 TAC Leads Meeting


Nov 17, 2022

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  • @Valerie Addonizio

  • @Elizabeth Dunham

  • @Sarit Hand

  • @Regine Heberlein - Regrets

  • @Rachel Searcy

  • @Austin Munsell

 Discussion topics







10 mins

How’s it going?

Just an open discussion of needs, concerns, or successes so far in term.

  • Tech Docs had made some good progress. Going to have to live with not being especially ambitious or splashy this term, chipping away little by little. Do still need a Vice Lead; Rachel started that discussion, and we’ll see.

  • Testing presented to both UAC and TAC. No substantive responses that would change workflows, but certainly laid excellent groundwork.

  • A specific JIRA ticket is a natural place for Testing to route or tag towards User Docs

    Commenting directly on the users docs was suggested already. Austin tried this and received no response, so uncertain if that’s a good path.

    But there’s also testing on just the release in general, which doesn’t have specific tickets associated with it. Maybe Testing would have to create tickets in this case?

    All in all, seems like User Docs and Testing should meet. Also, Cory is on both Testing and Usability.

  • Integrations met with a couple of developers than had issues with the survey; it seems they were more interested in just getting something up on the page, and the other form may be more useful to them


10 mins

How many members would be ideal?

Regina and I are looking at a predicted drop-off of members in 2024 and trying to forestall it. One question that has come up is how many members make a subteam work? What’s too few, what’s too many?


  • Min 3; Max 6 (except Testing)

  • Min 4; Max 6-8

  • 6 would probably be too few for Testing, 8-9 seems highly workable

5 mins

Future of Integrations?

Asking because of the impending shortage of members. Would also like to document the shutting down process (if that’s what happens).

  • Sarit confirmed that the team can be sunset, but responsibility for the survey is an issue.

  • In conversation, we transitioned to thinking about merging the Integrations pages into the Awesome ArchivesSpace list, especially since that would allow community contributions instead of a survey and would then fall under the Vice Leads' role

  • Rachel noted that this may just be a reflection of the maturity of the product, and the big lift on documenting is over.

  • As far as the Vice Lead’s role in the Awesome List in general, Rachel noted that future guidance can make the distinctions between: Passive approach: Just being responsive to pull requests, monitoring for broken links; Active approach: Solicit new contributions and add things that people are talking about on listservs and at conferences and forums

  • Integrations will continue for one more term, and will spend the 2023-2024 term focusing on a graceful sunset of the team, possibility integrating everything into the Awesome List

  • TAC can then raise the question of whether a new subteam should be created as a theme of the 2023-2024 term, with that new subteam actually put in place for the term after (2024-2025)


15 mins



10 min

General Theme Discussion

  • Encouraging cross-team collaboration

  • Improving term transitions

  • Opportunities for recorded trainings

  • Other

0 min

Reminder: Vice Leads

The following teams will need Vice Leads to become Leads next term:

  • Metadata

  • Tech Docs

This will be tough if your only options are new members.

 Action items

@Austin Munsell Recommend that Cory’s diagram be added to the Testing page


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