2022-09-22 TAC Leads Meeting

2022-09-22 TAC Leads Meeting


Sep 22, 2022

Zoom/Meeting Info

In Calendar invite

Helpful Links

Council Handbook

Yearly Timeline of Council Activities

Guidelines for ArchivesSpace Council Sub-Teams


  • @Valerie Addonizio

  • @Elizabeth Dunham

  • @Sarit Hand

  • @Regine Heberlein - Regrets

  • @Rachel Searcy

  • @Austin Munsell

 Discussion topics







5 mins

ReminderL Subteam Discussion sessions

Frequency and Team:

November - Testing

December - Metadata

February - Joint meeting with UAC (DevPri)

March - Integrations

April - Tech Docs

May - End of term concerns

June - Retrospective

  • You may choose from these topics:

    • Something relevant to your subteam’s workplan, like workshopping an idea, getting feedback on a decision

    • Suggestions for TAC documentation/training

    • Simply to tell us what your subteam does! Walk us through a recent agenda, talk about a recent decision, peel back the curtain on your subteam!

I have sent you each a calendar reminder to correspond with the meeting when you’ll be speaking. Please confirm.

15 mins


  1. I spoke to Christine about creating a resource about how to engage/communicate with the ArchivesSpace communicate using things like the listservs and contacting Member Reps. This will become part of the handbook.

  2. I re-visited the idea of advanced training for TAC and councils in general with the Cross-Council Team. I can report back some ideas.

First we identified what we mean by “advanced training.” Topics include:

  • GitHub and being a maintainer;

  • advanced Jira filtering and searching;

  • spinning up test servers (Docker);

  • Aspace architecture;

  • Ruby

Christine was very receptive to more training, but also let us know that repeated efforts to get volunteers for these kinds of things (internally and externally) have failed. She did mention that ASpace has had some big staffing changes and that the new people are still on-boarding, but we’d like to re-visit this once the new folks are settled in their positions.

We also floated the idea of reaching out to past experts who have already served on TAC and asking them to record something or just share their knowledge and go from there.

And finally, the idea of subteams recording videos on what they’ve learned by the end of term. I acknowledge that this is a Catch-22.


How’s it going?

2022-2023 Dev Pri Work Plan

2022-2023 Integrations Work Plan

2022-2023 Metadata Sub-team Work Plan

2022-2023 TechDocs Work Plan

  • Testing off to a rough start; optional on-boarding

  • Collaboration versus Pathways, pathways is a great idea

  • Testing might just go through a ticket and just show how Testing works

  • Clarify access to Help Center for non-Members

  • Explicitly ask what you wish you’d known or wish you’d had as part of the Retrospective

  • How much time is given for Testing?

10 min

General Theme Discussion

  • Encouraging cross-team collaboration

  • Improving term transitions

  • Opportunities for recorded trainings

  • Other

5 min

Reminder: Vice Leads

The following teams will need Vice Leads to become Leads next term:

  • Metadata

  • Tech Docs

This will be tough if your only options are new members.

 Action items


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