2018-02-09 - TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2018-02-09 - TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


2:30 p.m. ET / 12:30 p.m. MT

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Discussion items

5 minutesProgram updateChristine and Laney
  • Staff Interface Enhancement Working Group delivered its recommendations just before the December break. Currently working on identifying projects for prioritization, outside consultant, and/or community discussion 
  • New DevOps Specialist, Lora Woodford, started last week
  • Many engagement activities, including monthly webinars and quarterly open calls
  • New release came out this week - planning for additional releases later this month and in March
  • Data dictionary released last week - long-term maintenance plan not yet worked out, but may be appropriate for Reports or Documentation subteams
  • Code4Lib next week - Laney and Lora teaching a workshop on plugins
10 minutesChecking in on activities of the two CouncilsSuzanne and Max

5 minutesProgress with succession planningSuzanne, Max, Christine
  • Co-leaders are now in place for both Testing and Development Prioritization. Impact has been especially notable with the Development Prioritization subteam. 
  • So far no volunteers for the Vice Chair role in either Council. Max and Suzanne will approach some potential candidates directly and this is also something that will be taken into consideration during the nominations process. Will advertise the Vice Chair positions as part of the nominations process as necessary.
15 minutes

Anything else?

  • UAC will also work on similar blog posts. This corpus of posts from TAC and UAC will be helpful in explaining the work of the Councils and their component groups to others in the community, including those considering volunteering for these positions.
  • Nominations process is starting soon - started it a little earlier than in previous years in order to get a jump on the process. There will be a number of vacancies on both Councils as well as at least two openings on the Governance Board ballot (Very Large and Small are the levels up this year). If anyone knows of people who would be interested/would be valuable in any of these positions, please let Gordon know. He's happy to contact potential candidates/nominees.

Action items