2017-11-29 - TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2017-11-29 - TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


11:00 a.m. ET / 9:00 a.m. MT

Call-In Information

Number: 888-354-0094

Passcode: 731627



Discussion items

5 minutesProgram updateChristine and Laney

Described the progress on development and the new format for the roadmap. Agreed that the new roadmap should first be circulated to the UAC and TAC before finalization.

Described some of the engagement activities, including open call and webinars.

Described activities of the Core Committers and the progress being made on the AT and Archon migration tools.

10 minutesChecking in on activities of the two CouncilsSuzanne and Max

Agreed to split the combined TAC-UAC listserv into one listserv for each Council.

Discussed some ways to deal with succession planning for the two Cross-Council subteams. Suggestion is to have a co-leader, ideally someone in the first year of their term, who can shadow the leader, share administrative workload, and possibly alternate running meetings.

5 minutesReporting for Cross-Council subteamsAllAgreed that it would be good for cross-council subteams to provide a report for each Council meeting, ideally with someone from the team available to present it.
10 minutesProcess for evaluating feature contributions to the core code: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PBLH6FGzvyOF4x1HCnkkL8wnaRfOkcKuEpxfPujTh-8/edit?usp=sharingChristine
15 minutesAnything else?All

Action items