2018-07-25 Users Advisory Council Meeting

2018-07-25 Users Advisory Council Meeting

Date: July 25 2018 - 2:00pm ET

Call In:

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        US: +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923  or +1 669 900 6833

    Meeting ID: 480 879 807

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Not Present: 



Update members on ArchivesSpace program activities including activities of sub-teams

Discussion items                    













2:00 pm EST

Scheduled Notetaker: Kevin Clair

Eastern time

Roll Call

Ashley Knox

Updated User Advisory Council and Subteam rosters on wiki

Welcome to new UAC members:

Kate Blalack, Woody Guthrie Center (Documentation, Reports)

Kevin Clair, University of Denver (Documentation)

Terra Gullings, University of Texas at Tyler (Development)

Adrienne Harling, San Francisco Symphony (Reports)

William Modrow, Miami University of Ohio (Documentation)

Julia Novakovic, The Strong (Reports)

Joshua Shaw, Dartmouth College (Testing)

Angela White, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (Testing)

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

Christine, along with Laney and Christine Kim, gave summaries of their roles on the ArchivesSpace Team for the benefit of incoming UAC members. Christine also reported that the team hopes to have a new release of ArchivesSpace out by SAA; the main development in this release is reports refactoring for performance improvements, developed by Sarah Morrissey (Jr. Software Developer). A webinar on the topic is scheduled for July 31.

Sub-team Reports

Development   Prioritization

Lydia Tang

Dev. Pri. has been on hiatus for this summer with the exception of a meeting on June 14th to wrap up remaining open issues.  We thank Cory Nimer and Suzanne Sustasiulatis for their service  and welcome Terra Gullings to the subteam.  Lydia gave birth to a baby girl, Emily, on May 21st.  The subteam will resume meetings at the end of August, after SAA.  Kanban board stats:


24 Awaiting Prioritization

13 Awaiting More Info

49 Ready for Implementation

Feature Requests:

137 Awaiting Prioritization

43 Awaiting More Info

48 Ready for Implementation


John Zarrillo

We recently developed a short survey that we are going to distribute to the ArchivesSpace community to help assess our members' needs in terms of improving documentation. We plan on distributing the survey via listservs and the blog. We are also planning to hold a Twitter chat (or chats) with the community in early August. Incoming members of this sub-team are Kate Blalock, Kevin Clair, and William Modrow.


No report

From the call: The Reports sub-team is still in the process of appointing new leadership. Kate Blalock, Adrienne Harling, and Julia Novakovic are the sub-team's incoming members.


Brittany Newberry

The Testing sub-team helped with testing of version 2.4.0 release candidate in May and early June and has been on hiatus this summer. Have two new sub-team members – Angela White and Joshua Shaw. We are waiting to hear about new bug fixes to test for future releases.

Other Business

Christine Di Bella and Christine Kim

ArchivesSpace member engagement directory discussion:


Developing a member directory to facilitate community engagement. Directory consists of community members as well as the types of development they are doing with the application, and/or aspects of the application they are using, so that others know whom they may approach with questions.

Looking for guidance on whether the right questions are being asked (too many? not enough?), potential distribution of the member directory survey, and whether access to this directory should be free or a benefit of membership. The wiki is an option but some community members have been reticent to sign up for accounts on it. For now the team is considering creating a member directory PDF that would be circulated via the LYRASIS ArchivesSpace members list. Testing of the form is also welcomed.

Questions and discussion from UAC members:


* Desired outcomes? Community members have had questions about who else in the community is using particular aspects of the application, or who has migrated to ArchivesSpace from various collection management systems, to cite two examples. It would therefore be helpful to have a user reference documenting that information.
* A couple of people on the call noted that conversations on the list tend to be quite technical; by having the directory, users can contact individual community members more directly instead of broadcasting to the list, where questions may be lost in technical details and other conversations.
* Could there be a free-text description of how an institution is using ArchivesSpace? This might provide more of a narrative of institutional use cases, with more context than a list of integrations or plugins that people use. Christine K.: this is a good point, and the team is balancing that against the need to keep the survey simple enough that people will complete it and they can construct a directory from its results