2018-11-15 Users Advisory Council Meeting

2018-11-15 Users Advisory Council Meeting

Date: November 15, 2018 - 2:00pm ET

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        US: +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923  or +1 669 900 6833

    Meeting ID: 480 879 807

    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=84TFS7JsXMfyDTGBEmbXOm0WHlAnv3Zp 


Christine Di Bella
Gordon Daines
Brittany Newberry
Alston Cobourn
Jasmine Jones
Lydia Tang
Adrienne Harling
Angela White
Ashley Knox

Not Present: 

Kevin Clair
Laney McGlohon
Kate Blalack
Terra Gullings
Sue Luftschein
William Modrow
Julia Novakovic
Joshua Shaw
Nikki Thomas
Jamie Weeks
John Zarrillo



Update members on ArchivesSpace program activities including activities of sub-teams

Discussion items                    













2:00 pm EST

Eastern time

Roll Call

Ashley Knox

Notetaker: Jasmine Jones

Lydia Tang has graciously volunteered to be Vice Chair. Together we will draft some goals, team up with Max and Maggie, Chair and Vice Chair of TAC as well. We also hope to create a mechanism soon for gathering feedback from UAC.

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

  • Christine Kim is stepping down from the Community Engagement Coordinator position at the end of December for a new opportunity with the California Digital Library. We have posted the position at https://lyrasis.isolvedhire.com/jobs/43961.html; applications received by December 7 will receive priority consideration. Hoping to fill by early next year.
  • Lora Woodford is now the Junior Developer for ArchivesSpace and will be concentrating on development full time.
  • We expect to have one more ArchivesSpace release before the end of 2018. 
  • Kansas City Forum is taking place on November 30. Program is looking great and delighted that people from at least 6 different states will be there. 

Sub-team Reports

Development   Prioritization

Lydia Tang

Dev. Pri. welcomed new TAC members Maggie Hughes, Edgar Garcia, Alicia Detelich, and Julia McGinnis.  With a total roster of 8 TAC/UAC members, this is probably the largest Dev. Pri. team to date!  We are looking forward to experimenting with ways to maximize the broad collective expertise of the group.  We addressed 29 tickets in this quarter.

Seeking membership feedback on the following tickets (please comment and vote!):

Component Unique Identifiers:  ANW-780 - Getting issue details... STATUS   ANW-770 - Getting issue details... STATUS

PUI:  ANW-769 - Getting issue details... STATUS   ANW-765 - Getting issue details... STATUS   ANW-759 - Getting issue details... STATUS   ANW-297 - Getting issue details... STATUS   ANW-296 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Jasmine Jones

John Zarrillo stepped down from his role as convener of the Documentation Sub-Team; Kevin Clair will take on those duties going forward. The sub-team has not met since the last User Advisory Council meeting due to the change in leadership, but will be re-convening in late November or early December to discuss next steps for improving the ArchivesSpace documentation in response to the survey responses we received.


Alston Coburn and Nikki Thomas

Jasmine Jones stepped off the Reports subgroup in order to focus on her other ArchivesSpace commitments.  The group met on 10/30. We reviewed SAA's draft report 

"Guidelines for Standardized Holdings Counts and Measures for Archival Repositories and Special Collections Libraries" as we thought it might inform our work.  We agreed to review the Recommendations for Pre-defined Reports that the group developed previously to determine if we believe those reports are still needed and if changes need to be made to their definitions.  The plan is that once we agree upon desired pre-defined reports, we will begin to create specifications that can be used by developers.  We also spent a great deal of time talking about the current status and desires of a customizable reports module.  The group agreed with Laney that both a customizable reports module and some pre-defined reports are needed. The group decided to review this further. Laney will help the group determine how they can be helpful with the development of a customizable reports module, and Laney has already has something started. 


Brittany Newberry

The Testing sub-team completed testing of the minor release of v2.5.1 back in September. Since the last meeting, we have added three new members from TAC. We are waiting on assignment of issues and features to test for future releases.

Other Business

Joint UAC/TAC meeting is being planned for early in the year.