2019-05-16 Users Advisory Council Meeting

2019-05-16 Users Advisory Council Meeting

Date: May 16, 2019 - 12:00 noon ET

Call In:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/480879807

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    US: +14086380968,,480879807#  or +16468769923,,480879807# Or Telephone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

        US: +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923  or +1 669 900 6833

    Meeting ID: 480 879 807

    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=84TFS7JsXMfyDTGBEmbXOm0WHlAnv3Zp 

Kevin Clair

Alston Cobourn 
Jasmine Jones
Ashley Knox 
Laney McGlohon
Brittany Newberry
Julia Novakovic
Joshua Shaw 
Lydia Tang
Angela White

Not Present:

Kate Blalack

Christine Di Bella
Terra Gullings
Adrienne Harling 
Sue Luftschein
William Modrow
Nikki Thomas
Jamie Weeks
John Zarrillo
Gordon Daines


Update members on ArchivesSpace program activities including activities of sub-teams

Discussion items:                    













12:00 noon ET

Roll Call

Ashley Knox

Notetaker: Julia Novakovic

Program Update

Laney McGlohon


Christine Di Bella

Release Candidate v2.6.0-RC1 is out as of 5/16/19 - Please test it out if possible! Some rework of background jobs and human-readable URLs. 

Annual Forum Date is August 2, 2019. 

Sub-team Reports

Development   Prioritization

Lydia Tang

Dev. Pri. met once since the last UAC meeting on March 22 (we had a meeting right before the UAC meeting and our May meeting is later this month).  We addressed 12 tickets.  We are working with Christine to address some big-picture needs for prioritizing development which may include creating a new survey (the last one was circulated in July 2016).  We are also exploring a new workflow to identify tickets for community developers to increase community coder participation and reduce the load on contract developers.  Stay tuned for more details, including a survey draft coming out soon.

We are seeking community input for the following tickets:

ANW-355 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ANW-320 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ANW-814 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Please comment if you have any ideas about these Jira tickets.


Kevin Clair

The Documentation sub-team continues to review the existing official ArchivesSpace documentation for required updates to content (text, screenshots, etc.). We also look forward to working closely with Jessica Crouch at our upcoming sub-team meeting at the end of the month to discuss ways in which the group can more actively contribute to documentation revisions, and on needs for future documentation platforms. They will be creating a survey for those who are writing local documentation for ArchivesSpace at their institutions to get some ideas on ways to improve official AS documentation.


Ashley Knox, Alston Cobourn

The Reports sub-team held an ArchivesSpace open call about reports on April 3, 2019. Received some useful feedback.  We met on May 6, 2019 to review the open call feedback and discuss next steps. Currently there are some custom reports templates in AS that each contain fields that can be chosen for inclusion in the report.  We liked the idea of having each template have certain fields checked by default but also having other fields available that they could choose to add to the report.  Ideally, we would be able to cease having a separate set of pre-defined reports.  To this end, group members are reviewing the custom templates and providing input on which fields should be the defaults and which should/should not be available as additional options.  We will be sending out a open call follow-up email to the community. Want to do some outreach to the community to note what is working and what everyone needs to keep in mind. 


Brittany Newberry

The Testing sub-team tested bug fixes for v2.6.0 and is in the process of testing the release candidate for v2.6.0. Tested 15 Jira issues. 

Other Business

Thank you so much to our members who are cycling off of UAC this term: Sue Luftschein, Nikki Lynn Thomas, and Alston Cobourn!

Next meeting: July – onboarding of 3 new UAC members, opportunity for subteam switchups. Discussing new subteam ideas in TAC/UAC coordinating committee. If anyone is interested in switching/integrating subteams [UAC members to TAC subteams, TAC members to UAC subteams (like Reports!)], please contact Lydia or Ashley. Let us know if you have ideas! (e.g., public interface evolution, etc.)

(P.S. TAC information and subteams can be viewed from here.)

Chair and Co-chair for 2020-2021, first announcement but no details or timeline quite yet. Please consider these positions and we will have more information to come later-- you can contact Lydia or Ashley. 

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