2018-08-07 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2018-08-07 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee



  • Peter Carini
  • Gordon Daines

  • Max Eckard
  • Ashley Knox
  • Laurie Arp
  • Christine Di Bella

Discussion items

5 minIntroductionsAll

15 minGoals for the yearAll
  • Ashley: understand UAC and the Chair role better; identify a Vice Chair
  • Max: Vice Chair Maggie and he are working out leadership timelines and refining charges/expectations for participants and teams; some of this follows up on discussions from the TAC retrospective. Two themes that came out of the retrospective: need for clearly defined goals and importance of positive affirmation when people are on a good path and/or doing good things
    • It would be great to have as much as possible of this organizational work documented on the wiki and for the TAC and UAC Chairs to share/collaborate on this info. when useful
  • Discussion: when a team does not seem to be making good progress/getting off the ground, how to determine the reason. Leadership? Lack of clear expectations? The team has outlived its purpose?
    • There may need to be a better understanding - and some reevaluation - of what should be an ArchivesSpace program responsibility vs. a Council/community responsibility.
    • When is the best time to evaluate whether some teams are no longer needed or their functions reenvisioned (would be hard to do at the beginning of a new term, for example)?
  • Discussion: Keeping in mind that all of this work is being done by volunteers, and that the Chairs themselves are volunteers, what are some things we can do to ensure that leaders and participants aren't overcommitted or taking on roles that they won't be able to fulfill?
    • Checking in if you don't hear from someone, asking questions that help people acknowledge when they need help/can't continue  
10 minReporting and oversight for cross-Council sub-teamsAll
  • For Development Prioritization: likely need at least 1 more member from UAC and 2 more from TAC. We should try to keep the team membership balanced between the Councils when possible.
  • Ashley's quarterly reports and sub-team oversight will include Testing sub-team; Max's quarterly reports and sub-team oversight will include Development Prioritization sub-team
  • General notes:
    • Council chairs may participate on a team (including a cross-Council team) as a member, but their role should be clearly delineated - fellow team members should know that the chair is not there as Council chair, but rather as a member who can take on assignments (and for whom there are the same participant expectations as other members)
    • It's worth considering whether the quarterly reports to the Board can double as communications to the community about TAC and UAC activities. May be as simple as forwarding an email with the reports in an email to the member lists. Good for raising the profile of the Councils and their work as well as possibly encouraging more people to considering getting involved around nominations time.

Action items
