2019-06-07 Meeting notes

2019-06-07 Meeting notes


Jun 7, 2019

1:00 p.m. Eastern / 11:00 a.m. Mountain / 10:00 a.m. Pacific


  • @Ashley Knox

  • @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

  • @Maggie Hughes

  • @Max Eckard

  • @Peter Carini (Unlicensed)

  • @Christine Di Bella


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Work through logistics for increased emphasis on cross-Council work and participating meetings for the 2019/2020 term.

Discussion topics









40 min

Cross-Council logistics

Some items to cover:

  • Cross-Council whole group meetings

  • Are there any sub-teams to consider phasing out or re-envisioning - as themselves or as particularly cross-Council?

  • New and current members - any coordination in onboarding and sub-team assignments?

  • Any coordination in other kinds of messaging?

  • Anything else?


  • Sub-teams will remain where they are organizationally, but all will be open to members of either Council.

  • Hold two full Council meetings - one at the beginning of the year and one in January. Aiming for the first one to be in mid- to late July if it is feasible, with August as a backup.

  • Introduce the sub-teams at the first meeting, provide a Google form/SurveyMonkey survey for people to make their preferred selections.

  • Put together documentation with tips for successful sub-team and Council leadership and participation. This would go on the wiki in the TAC/UAC Coordinating area.

  • For TAC: worth considering sunsetting Migrations, bringing up a team related to metadata standards. Integrations might be something to evolve down the line.

  • For UAC: worth considering sunsetting Reports, bringing up a team related to Community Engagement and/or Usability or Accessibility. Some members of the Reports team may be particularly interested in a metadata standards team.

  • Reports needs a defined task to wrap up its work; could convert this area of focus to a task force/working group involving broader community participation.

  • Any new groups would need defined charges and selection of leaders that are likely to succeed in the role.

  • Some broader discussion:

    • What are the essential elements that are intrinsic to TAC and UAC? Does there need to be some retention of separate identities?

    • Concern that TAC shouldn’t drift too far from one of its stated purposes: encouraging an active community of developers. As teams shake out, is there a way to have Integrations, for example, get more involved in this area? Could TAC propose a Coding for Dummies-type workshop on contributing code to fix little annoying things in the application?

    • To what degree can/should Council work evolve into task force-type limited-term work?

10 min

Additional topics

  • How to deal with absentee/AWOL Council members


  • Ran out of time; will discuss another time.

Action items

@Christine Di Bella will schedule another meeting with Ashley, Lydia, and Maggie to continue these discussions and make firmer plans for the identified work.
@Maggie Hughes and @Max Eckard will share their Google drive folder with their organizing documentation.
@Maggie Hughes@Ashley Knox@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) will based sub-team selection survey on what TAC has done in the past.
Group will work on documentation about leadership and membership participation in Council and sub-team activities.
Group will consider charges for new sub-teams, how to work with sub-team leadership to sunset or transition certain teams.