Agenda/Meeting Notes 2019-11-14

Agenda/Meeting Notes 2019-11-14

Meeting Link: https://yalelibrary.zoom.us/j/943909973

Present: Alicia, Kevin, Dave, Trevor

Absent: none


Updates from groupUAC Docs work plan, 2019/20: UAC Documentation Sub-Team: 2019-2020 Work Plan
  • Listserv activity
    • Documentation citations
    • Documentation enhancement suggestions
      • Advanced queries – technically API but somewhat different
      • Permissions
      • MARCXML ingest (user docs?)

Action plan for Kevin: Refer the following to the UAC Docs sub-team for inclusion in user manual:

  • permissions (for locations and other repo management)
  • MARCXML ingest
  • Other potential docs enhancements
    • Docs for running dev server – i.e. documenting ports for backend
    • Plugin structure for models
    • Subrecord oddities, differences between top level records and nested records.
    • Better documention of JSONModel; templates? (Bobbi had mentioned this) – AD has done some work toward this
  • Should create issues or stub records for these as they come up

Improvements to plugin documentation for models – the frontend and PUI plugin models behave differently from the backend, and it's not clearly documented in the tech docs

Members should feel free to create issues on github as these things arise

  • Work plan goals/timeline for docs enhancements
    • Developer onboarding
      • Review existing docs before next meeting
      • AD will create Google doc or other shared tool for brainstorming what kinds of things should be added/updated – ultimately could submit issues to tech docs once we have a better sense of what we want to do
    • Developer screencasts
      • Review existing screencasts between now and next meeting, make notes on what should be added or updated in written documentation
    • Generalized API documentation
      • Different brainstorming doc?
      • Some ideas: generalized (narrative) tutorial for authenticating, sending different types of requests. Note parameters that are used across endpoints – pagination, all_ids; better indicate that only top-level records have URIs that can be directly requested via the API
    • Thoughts on this process/timeline?

Action plan for committee members: Review developer onboarding and screencasts, look for things that should be added or updated


Kevin 1-4, Dave 5-8, Trevor 9-12, Alicia 13-18

Have talked about doing high-level documentation on the API: common requests and how to make them, etc. Lora just merged a PR that (among other things) documents how to do authorization against the ArchivesSpace backend for API requests

From Dave Mayo to Everyone: (11:12 AM)

I kind of think it might be worth someone Not Me watching these and figuring out whether they’re of general utility also: API docs training

Other work plan thoughts?

Thoughts about integrating UAC with TAC docs work. UAC will discuss when it meets next (Nov 22).

Thoughts about new ways beyond the listserv to reach out to users to solicit feedback regarding the tech docs

API docs working group update

The group has met three times; once to set a work plan and lay out next steps, and twice for training sessions (building docs, running local server to view the docs, creating pull requests to make changes, etc.) These were mostly successful; next step is to start triaging requests and dividing up the docs writing work.

These were recorded, and could be made available somewhere more public (the Learning Library, the ArchivesSpace YouTube channel, etc.), but they'll need some revisions first. Trevor is willing to do that editing

A few members not on TAC are participating in this work as well.