

The ArchivesSpace governance model is built on the principles of maintaining a high level of community engagement and fostering an active and responsive development community. It is designed to provide opportunities for all levels of membership to participate in and provide guidance for the development of the ArchivesSpace application over time. Representatives from all types and sizes of member archives are eligible to serve on the governance committees. Calls for nominations for new members for the three groups usually open in March each year, for terms that will begin July 1.

Governance Board

The Governance Board meets four times a year. Information about the Board and the current roster is available at http://archivesspace.org/governance-board-and-councils/#GovernanceBoard. The workspace within Confluence for the Board is only accessible to Board members, but information about Board activities will be shared with the community on a regular basis.

Advisory Councils

TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

Technical Advisory Council

User Advisory Council

Advisory Council members are appointed by the Governance Board from nominations. The workspaces within Confluence for the Advisory Councils are available for public viewing, though only members of the Councils may add or edit content.

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