Documentation Committee Meeting notes

Documentation Committee Meeting notes


Interested individuals and Documentation Team members


  • Complete work on user documentation

Discussion items

 Liason to Features Prioritization groupLinda

Mary Manning volunteered to keep the group informed of upcoming changes to ArchivesSpace from her work on the Features Prioritization group. Note: Additional members from this group that are on the Features Prioritization group are – Brad Westbrook, Mark Custer, Miloche Kottman and Chris Prom

 Sharing in-house documentsLinda

Jennifer and Miloche and Mark are sharing in-house documentation on the Confluence site. The trainers will provide the team with updated training manuals

 Work assignmentsLinda

Group discussed splitting up the documentation left to complete. Linda assigned the following areas to team members.

  • Mary = ArchivesSpace Basics
  • Nancy = Working with Accessions; Reports
  • Miloche = User Accounts and User Permission Groups; Managing Repositories
  • Linda = Working with resources; Working with digital objects; Importing and exporting data
  • Joseph = Controlled Value Lists; Subjects
  • Jennifer = Locations; Events; Classifications

Drafts should be shared on the Confluence site When you want other team members to review it, send an email.


 Next stepsLindaWe will have more frequent meetings to discuss/update each other on our progress. A doodle poll was sent out to schedule the next meeting. Next Meeting: Thursday Jan. 22, 2pm Eastern

Action items

  • Some participants noted that they did not have access to Confluence.