Future User Doc projects

Future User Doc projects

IssueDescription of problem and possible solutionsPages involvedNotes
Consolidate duplicate pages into a single higher level pageThere are currently multiple pages documenting the same function, which need to be edited separately, causing them to get out of synch and requiring extra work to edit.  Proposed solution: move instructions out of current sections (example: Accessions, Resources) and make a single page at the same level as the current parent page.  Some of the duplicate pages are listed in the next column, but more analysis is need to identify pages to merge and assess the impact of merging pages.  Also need to determine process for merging and/or deleting pages and if User Doc team members have permission to do the work.

















External Documents Sub-Record - Digital Objects













/wiki/spaces/ArchivesSpaceUserManual/pages/894533867 - Digital Objects

/wiki/spaces/ArchivesSpaceUserManual/pages/4233297931 - Importing and Exporting Data

/wiki/spaces/ArchivesSpaceUserManual/pages/894435422 - Importing and Exporting Data

/wiki/spaces/ArchivesSpaceUserManual/pages/894435653 - Managing Digital Objects

Create list of fields included in AS reportsWhile a description of the type of information is included in descriptions of existing reports, there isn't a comprehensive list of the fields data is pulled from to create those reports.  Project would involve running reports and determining which fields were used to create the report and build a list/chart of the fields in each report./wiki/spaces/ArchivesSpaceUserManual/pages/894501015
Create documentation for the Public User InterfaceThere currently isn't any documentation dedicated to the PUI.  Would need to determine what needs to be documented and create the documentation.

Document which field do and don't publish to the PUIDocumentation doesn't exist concerning which fields in the Staff User Interface can be published to the PUI.  Group would need to test functionality and create documentation.
The project began in the 2022-2023 term and was completed in the 2023-2024 term. (Link to spreadsheet)
Create documentation for spreadsheet templatesCreate documentation for spreadsheet templates that is independent of importing and exporting documentation. This will more easily facilitate updates to both sets of documentation. Templates are updated independently of new features/releases/etc. The documentation quickly becomes out of date when integrated with other functionality and creates more work to version pages. 

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