2023-07-07 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2023-07-07 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


Jul 7, 2022

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@Rachel Searcy

@Suzanne Reller

@Christine Di Bella

Unable to attend

@Austin Munsell

@Rebecca Baugnon


Discussion topics









5 min

Introductions and welcome, Austin and Rebecca!




20 min

Orientations and other getting-the-term-started activities


Term is off to a good start - the new people have been contacted and assigned to sub-teams. Sub-team leads have been notified about changes to their teams. The orientation will be the week of July 17. It will follow the agenda from last year pretty closely and be recorded for those who can’t be there. One-on-one meetings are being offered to anyone who wants one.

Rachel turned the yearly timeline into a spreadsheet and will also set reminders for significant dates/tasks.

UAC had another resignation (due to change in membership status); she has been replaced on her sub-team.

Have tried to “beef the teams up” and get them to their topmost size parameter. This was a little easier in TAC since Integrations was not getting new members. Testing right now is somewhat heavily weighted to TAC - will see if more UAC can join a little later in term. We discussed that the type of expertise that is useful for both DevPri and Testing is wide-ranging and that it’s good to have people with a variety of skill levels and ways they interact with the application.

25 min

Initial discussion of goals for this group this term


  • addressing turnover in UAC

  • regular sub-team leads check-ins, whether through meetings or casual emails

  • making TAC monthly meetings more participatory, maybe by including demos or guest speakers (like the ArchivesSpace developers)

  • continuing to reinforce continuity and maintenance as values

5 min

Anything else?


Austin’s term will be up this year, but he will be staying on to be Chair - is there anything formal that needs to be done? No - in the past extending a term only regular mutual agreement between the Council Chair and the party.

Naming the new Board liaison has been delayed by changes in personnel on the Board, but should be happening soon.

We will need to reschedule the August meeting. Christine will be in touch soon, probably once the new liaison has been named.


Action items



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