2023-09-07 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2023-09-07 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


Sep 7, 2023

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@Suzanne Reller

@Rachel Searcy

@Rebecca Baugnon

@Austin Munsell

@Maggie Hughes

@Christine Di Bella

Unable to attend


Discussion topics









5 min

Highlights of the Board meeting


Recap of major discussions at the 1st Quarter Board Meeting. There are four new members this term so part of the meeting involved orienting new members to procedures and recent discussions. Two unusual items were a proposal for a Code of Conduct community review and a proposal from Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) to merge with ArchivesSpace (which was declined).

20 min

Checking in


Progress continues to be good - UAC and TAC have both met and the joint meeting has been scheduled for the end of September. The sub-teams lead meetings have also started.

There are lots of new people on the Testing sub-team so they met in two groups to go over processes. This seems to be working well.

There continue to be leadership gaps, with many sub-team Vice Lead positions open - should we be more open in the nomination process about saying there is an expectation that people take on leadership roles during their term?

20 min

Continuing discussion of goals/needs/training issues


Lyrasis is offering a part 2 to the Github training that was offered last term, which can be made available for free to Council members. Unfortunately, there was negative feedback to the last one, and it may not meet people’s needs. Pitching this kind of training at the right level is very difficult.

Training for “practitioner programmers”/”technically inclined archivists” is of ongoing interest, though it’s difficult to do because everyone comes in at a different level. Independent learning is often the only way to fulfill this need.

Training in both specific tech topics and “soft” skills like facilitating meetings are helpful. BitCurator has some excellent resources. Maybe we could partner with them or get Jess Farrell as a guest speaker.

5 min

Anything else?


The mechanics of scheduling continue to be challenging, especially with the changes in the free version of Doodle - Christine promises to have some suggestions by next meeting.

Action items



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