2023-10-30 Metadata meeting notes
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@Jacqueline Asaro
@Diane Biunno
@Kevin Clair
@Regine Heberlein
@Kate Bowers
@Elizabeth Roke
Jacqueline took notes
Announcement of Diane as new Vice Chair
Next time will look at MARC: Elizabeth and Kate have been working on some updates. They will update us next meeting
Kate met with Dave Mayo a programmer in ASpace about MARC formatting
EAD Mapping: Do they import correctly? The mapping shows all possibilities of EAD. We have a test file from Regine that has been adapted. Originally this was for the ASpace update 2 updates ago
How did we decide certain attributes were MVP?
The goal was anything in DACs minimum description should be uploading correctly onto ArchivesSpace
We didn’t finish looking at ISAD (G) mapping. Kate will follow up, but everything doesn’t match up 1 to 1 (Regine).
Is it a formatting tag or not? Is this necessary or not?
The goal for it was not to import?
Is label a formatting tag?
Maybe we cannot make decisions like p, because it may be local practice dependent
Test files:
Regine’s test value is the field is the x path
Kate’s is slightly different, can see if it uploaded or not
Regine would like to finish column L because people may not be able to…column L is what actually happens
Everything marked as mixed content is actually treated as such, but we are not sure if it is a hard ask
Kate says nested lists do not import…partially, only get the first section, but hasn’t tested it in a bit
Index does not import
Kevin Column L this is what happens now, maybe create a new column
What happens to things that are not imported in any way…don’t want that information to be lost
We need current column and then desired experienced
Kate, leave no metadata behind.
Regine wants a report to say it didn’t import because then you can follow up on that
What are the action steps for EAD?
Kate wants to finish mapping for the ISAD (G) on column J
But Regine said the standard is about to be superceded….it will be replaced with RiC. Not endorsed anymore.
Kate reflects that this is the same problem with RDA implementation
Try to do column M, should be easily figured out using the test files, using importer on GitHub
Moving forward we can create a finding aid, more findable
Regine started creating a Read Me in GitHub, some thing may no longer be true. Update?
Kevin will double check these and see if they need to be updated…may add to links at the top of the agenda
We keep code thing in GitHub, Google sheets for spreadsheets, and Confluence for meeting notes
Regine, asking the question about changes in leadership? Google can be challenging because of leadership changing every year restrictions. GitHub is a more public space. Google drive transition can be difficult. Transparency, only documents for us versus the greater community. How do we keep those two spaces separate?
Kevin, Google can be great for collaborating, but it’s an extra step. We to have a process where our working files for how to make things official
Working with other sub teams
Tech Docs may be the answer to see how we transfer contents from our working materials into more official documentation.
This may also involve the transfer of this information for user docs
Action items for documentation
do something this year to work with User Docs and Tech Docs
Kevin and Diane will work to figure out a plan for Google drive transferring at the end of terms
ASpace metadata standards, could also update the Description of the Metadata Standards subteam
Kevin thinks may be a good place to start following the model of tech docs on the ASpace confluence site
User Engagement
From the joint meeting, in the breakout room starting to discuss the committee
It requires technical knowledge of a standard, how do we include different levels of expertise to engage our committee and the greater public. How people respond could help inform our practice.
What would it look like for us to bring in users from the community?
Spring Forum
The Spring Forum can be a greater opportunity to engage audiences. i.e. Kevin mentioned the subjects module had a larger conversation about it.
Misalignment on What ASpace does (ArchivesSpace programmers) versus What ASpace should do (the user perspective). We can try to get other teams interested in this?
Kevin said we can keep working on it
The expectations surrounding, as Kate says “Pain Points” or “Opportunities”
Survey? Last time with EAC
Forum Space in the Spring, you can ask people what is upper most in your mind? Take a general pulse about what people are interested in for the forum. Kate says to make sure that you have an other field, ask 1 question with plenty of free response
Code for Lib, vote for the topics of your choice Regine said that could be an option
Quick Links
Google drive space: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1RQftm8w4XkNISQHVbtjr6sNY4_iyyXMV
Test records: ArchivesSpace Metadata Standards Sub-Team
Published import/export AS standard: Migration Tools and Data Mapping - ArchivesSpace
The MARC importer: Spreadsheet | Code
EAD 2002 importer: Spreadsheet | Code
Regine’s version of the EAD 2002 import mapping: AS_EAD mapping.xlsx
Jira tickets: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/ANW/issues
Time | Item | Notes |
5 mins | Housekeeping |
25 mins | Overview of import/export work |
Review spreadsheet structure for the benefit of Jacqueline and Diane Recap of past work (returning members) Should we continue to work on EAD export as our main priority at the moment? Should we devote time to MARC work, beyond the active Jira tickets? How do we feel about our documentation? Do we want to revise any of it, or create more / better documents? |
25 mins | Other workplan projects |
5 mins | Action items and next steps | Next meeting is scheduled for November 27 – will people be able to attend? Or should we move it to December? (11/27 is the Monday after Thanksgiving.) |